Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/12/12/michael-cohen-sentenced-to-36.html

First Mueller convict reports to prison
Dutch attorney Alex van der Zwaan turned himself in Monday after being sentenced for lying to investigators.
Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/12/12/michael-cohen-sentenced-to-36.html
…aaannnd THAT is exactly why nobody is stepping up to take the White House Chief of Staff job.
Yeah, crooks like peas in a pod.
36 months? Lucky for him he wasn’t a black 16-year-old caught with a joint.
surrounds himself with “good men” of this caliber.
Is he the plug of the swamp?
Now if they could do the same (worldwide preferably) for the ‘fixers’ of rich all other rich businessmen…
Oh I think there are many more reasons that just that one
Came to point out the President does not hire “good men.” He mocks them on Twitter.
This “President” couldn’t even find a few good men in a DVD store…
to be fair i’m not sure that I could find a local dvd store
Yeah but OMG everyone who works for that guy ends up in prison sure doesn’t help.
So far this guy is the only one to actually be sentenced to prison…at this time.
Says who?
Schedenfruede, baby shadenfruede
Thank you for seeing me again
Though we go on our separate ways
Still the memory stays for always
Don’t forget George Papadappapalloossa…
Flynn sentencing date is next week with Manafort’s coming in March
Technically the first to get a prison sentence but others including Manafort and Papadopoulos have already served time behind bars.
Doesn’t Alex van der Zwaan count too?
Dutch attorney Alex van der Zwaan turned himself in Monday after being sentenced for lying to investigators.
Schedenfruede, baby shadenfruede
Thank you for seeing me again
Though we go on our separate ways
Still the memory stays for always
…New refrain, another new refrain…
Save those lies; darling, don’t explain
I recall… the election in fall
Now you bear witness, what a mess, I confess
That’s not all…