Trump feels the heat as Sally Yates testifies on Mike Flynn as Russia blackmail risk

If it makes him look like a loser he cares.


Wow, there is so much weirdness in there. I’d specifically want a citation on (2) and (4).

(1) and (3) are not necessarily false, but don’t really establish anything about Russia.

Is this poster actually claiming that Hillary Clinton wanted Trump to win? Because if that were the case, then she’s the greatest actor of our generation.


They don’t need to stage one, but they might try. Or they will just pick a fight with a random country - North Korea maybe - which will give them a fig leaf for siezing power.

Trump and his gang won’t see Congressional oversight, even the weak version currently happening, as a legitimate check on their powers. They already complain mightily of the courts.

No democracy is immune to a few quiet arrests and kneecappings. There are always 20% of the population ready to get fitted for brown shirts.




It was a set up. Obama knew that reverse psychology works on the mentally impaired.


Obama: “…and whatever you do, don’t let that closet door in the master bedroom close while you’re inside. It sticks.”

Trump, 5 minutes later: (BANGING LOUDLY) “Somebody get me outta here!”


Even if it’s not a coup, I fully expect a war in 2020 for him to ride a wave of jingoism and “my country right or wrong” patriotism to re-election.


No, the original post was quite correct.
Cheney definitely falls under ‘assholes W gathered around him’.

Colbert made a comment along those lines last week; Apparently the originator of the “the Oval Office has no corners so there’s nowhere to hide” comment was none other than W. Who’da thunk anything that master orator said would sail clear over anyone’s head?


Trump uses Distraction. It is Super Effective! The very Best!



Yeah pretty much.

Point yielded, I was just clarifying upon whom lay the true burden of responsibility for said gathering.


Sad to say, but your friend is an idiot. At this point, anyone who looks at the Democrats and the Republicans and concludes that they are the same thing is just plain not engaging with the reality.


C[quote=“gellfex, post:28, topic:100636, full:true”]

Even if it’s not a coup, I fully expect a war in 2020 for him to ride a wave of jingoism and “my country right or wrong” patriotism to re-election.

So, when they send the bombers out to slaughter ever more random brown people, what are y’all gonna do?

The rest of the world could use a little sand thrown in the gears of the American war machine while we’re trying to defend ourselves.


It may be worth pointing out to the idiot friend that there is no contradiction between “both US parties are wildly corrupt, and this corruption has reached a level that severely damages both the people and the nation” and “TrumpGOP is a fascist party that presents a serious and imminent threat to the world, to such a degree that the shittyness of the Democratic party isn’t even remotely comparable”.

It’s a matter of triage.


Not so much an idiot for liking that post (my friend didn’t write it, after all); he’s very well-spoken, intelligent about most things, and respectful toward others. Misguided, and wanting to believe that there’s an explanation of some sort other than what is actually occurring. Because if they don’t find a such an explanation, their worldview is damaged or all-out shattered.

And I checked the friend of my friend’s page, and they’ve switched to other subjects - not one mention of Comey.

What got me i was that the Clintons and the POTUS and his family are friends - REALLY? Can’t you just see HRC and MT having tea together? BC & DT comparing pick-up lines?



LOL. Also, WTF is a reverse false flag?