Trump followers delighted over new sexual assault accusation

These people are trying to recreate an idealized Leave it to Beaver 1950’s America where people of color and women knew their place and all of the middle class white people meet each other at church wearing their Sunday best. No amount of cruelty to the poor or those who think and behave differently is too much to advance this goal.


Rapists love other rapists.


Create, that is. The 1950s America they imagine never actually existed even for white people (unless you were wealthy, in which case every time period is good). It’s all fauxstalgia.


Schrödinger’s Asshole.


And the media would try to “both-sides” it. “Accusations of child cruelty against presidential candidates (Biden was accused of once making a baby cry).”


I think we can’t overestimate how much Trump support comes from people (usually grumpy white men) who get their jollies by vicariously living Trump’s misbehavior. Fuck porn stars! Lust after your daughter! Humiliate and/or kill those uppity brown people! It’s not exactly a political stance, though it becomes political because most of the misbehavior is stuff of which moderates and lefties disapprove. It’s more like the revenge fantasies of the kid sent to his room. “If I were bigger I’d show you!”


And she was the one who was censored by the court because she was seeking justice.

I usually believe that criminals deserve a second chance and can do better, but this case made my blood boil and hope that something awful happened to all those enablers.

(Sorry for going off-topic, but i had to vent about it somewhere)


He was too busy fighting a war against the Black people that were trying to rent his apartments.


Just give them some time to find a suitable replacement…

Disney’s animatronics shop is working on that.

If you only watch Fox news, then you won’t even know about it.

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i feel like “artful” gives him too much credit. he basically is like a 7 year old getting caught doing something wrong and just says “nuh uh” every time. i think his power comes from the fact that he’s being propped up by republicans around him who know that if he is held accountable he’s gonna drag them down with him.


This may end up being the USA’s version of Nazism, Maoism, the Khmer Rouge, etc. (I could obviously go on) before we’re said and done.

Many people are very under the sway right now to a literally cultist level, and mark my words – when Trump and his people really think they may be in a corner? I expect them to try and pull absolutely anything they can to prevent “not-so-preferable” outcomes. They are already cranking it up. Stone saying Trump should declare Martial Law in ANY case Biden wins. They will do ANYTHING.

By god I hope there are enough people in the right places at the key moments who actually decide to do the right thing, even if it is a very difficult thing, if it really does come down to it. We do not want crazy cultist Nazis in control of the “turnkey totalitarianism” we’ve built. It will be very, very bad. Read one of the original cyberpunk series, John Shirley’s Eclipse. It is very scary. We do not want that shit. Series is eerily on-point, but oh, so much cyberpunk was.


For sure, Mitch McConnell is the man behind the curtain responsible for the distracting puppet show that is Trump.

Once Trump is gone, I get the feeling everyone is going to collapse with relief and leave the clearing up as mere details that someone else will deal with.

Sooo I just read this and it’s relevantly terrifying…


November 3rd just cannot get here fast enough.

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The headline doesn’t fit into the preview.

Shocked Americans Never Thought They’d See Forced Sterilization Of Minorities Happen Here Again And Again And Again

On the subject of how God-fearing Christians might justify forced hysterectomies, George Orwell wrote:

The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.

Also relevant:

The general uncertainty as to what is really happening makes it easier to cling to lunatic beliefs. Since nothing is ever quite proved or disproved, the most unmistakable fact can be impudently denied. Moreover, although endlessly brooding on power, victory, defeat, revenge, the nationalist is often somewhat uninterested in what happens in the real world. What he wants is to feel that his own unit is getting the better of some other unit, and he can more easily do this by scoring off an adversary than by examining the facts to see whether they support him. All nationalist controversy is at the debating-society level. It is always entirely inconclusive, since each contestant invariably believes himself to have won the victory. Some nationalists are not far from schizophrenia, living quite happily amid dreams of power and conquest which have no connexion with the physical world.


Seems more likely, being Trump’s lawyers, they’ll try to deny everybody else’s.

Or until he accuses Biden of doing it…