Trump forced Chris Christie to eat meatloaf, shit sandwich was not on menu

Italians are mocking Trump mercilessly these days. Even the people who elected a crazy corrupt tax-dodging billionaire celebrity sex criminal with no relevant experience in government think Trump is a step too far.


That is indeed awesome, but I have a feeling those floats weren’t built by people who voted for Burlisconi. The scary point is that lots of Italians mocked Burlisconi while he was in power too, just as we’re mocking Trump. And they were easily ignored and distracted, just as we are.


You. Me. We must rock this.


…Isn’t that the accepted practice re: meatloaf?

(Yes, I giggle whenever I say meatloaf)


People: the other white meat!

(or would it be red meat? I honestly have no idea…)


I think there’s something similar going on with the whole “Pence is out of the loop” storyline.

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I’ll agree that we’re not talking on the same level as torturers and such, but I DO think it points to his sadistic pleasure in being a bully to people who put up no defense. He’s dragged Christie all over the place and made it fairly clear what he thinks of the man in public.

In any case, it’s damned funny. I wonder if Cruz ever calls up Christie just to talk about what DJs balls smell like.


This. So very many times this.

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Exactly. I was thinking “I can’t imagine that you have to force Christie to eat anything…”

And whatever it was he did when he was eleven. Do we really wanna know what that was?


If his father was anything like him, it might not have been something that he did. Maybe it was just bad timing and he became unhinged at 11 y.o. Donald for unrelated reasons, then doubled down because changing his mind would show weakness. Or maybe he did it to punish the mother but a story was made up to make it the kid’s fault, because they all sound like abusive assholes.

I’m not sure I really want to know the whole story.


Lets just get to the point. . . . .

Would Christie be revolted by, turn away, or refuse ANYTHING edible ??


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I think I missed something. What happened when 45 was 11?

He got shipped to military school, because he did something. Previous to that his mother protected him. So goes the story.


Ohh… got it. I’ll join the group who wonder what he did to warrant that sort of banishment from daddy drumpf’s kingdom.

edited to correct auto-correct.


Maybe it’s related to him punching a teacher, according to his own words.

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