Trump gains "Earth-shattering" trucking wisdom in 5 minutes (video)

I don’t know that Trump has ADHD - he clearly has various cognitive issues, but the main problem seems to be that he is an incurious fucker who can’t be bothered to learn anything (and doesn’t retain it if he does).


I assume ADHD/ADD b/c no attention span whatsoever, frequently wild gesticulations, etc.

I was hardcore ADD and hyperkinetic AF as a child, and needed to be drugged to function in school, when diagnosed in 2nd grade until about halfway through my freshman yr in high school.

I got pretty good at spotting fellow sufferers therefrom, but I am naturally not infallible.


Pedantic note: pipe wrench, you wouldn’t want to tighten a monkey with one.

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I was quoting the remark made by Speed’s girlfriend. :grin:

Watch the vid! Hilarious dub-voices for the villains.


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