Trump gets booed at Davos for calling the press nasty, vicious, mean, and fake

I bet some people who abhor Ms. Sanders would happily converse with Ms. Laren.

I also bet that if Justin Trudeau would swap political positions with Donald Trump, the approval rates would still be as they are.

We can call it lookism as long as we like, and raise awareness about it. But we’re both pretty much fucked in our minds, anyway.


Yeah he just plays one on TV.


Likely so; and that’s a glaring reflection upon the supeficial, shallow bent of current society… but it still doesn’t make irrelevant comments about Sanders’ unappealing physical appearance ‘okay.’

She’s a terrible person because of what she says and does; not because of how she looks. If she were exactly the same woman with a more aestetically pleasing countenance, she’d still be a terrible person.



Those aren’t boos. You want to hear some booing, send Trump to all of the cities that George W. Bush visited without incident.

Everyone knows Trump doesn’t take booze.


Where I work we have a code-term for employees (ex: inspectors with no technical experience or aptitude) who are employed to inspect highly technical matters: NQA

NQA = No Quality Added


Agreed. However, there’s that ugly expression she has when dealing with the Great Unwashed (the press corps). I don’t recall pre-dRump WH Press Secretaries openly despising those they deal with and spewing hate at the media as a matter of course.


Hatred, resentment and animosity begets more of the same; I imagine that anyone willing to work in 45’s admin has to have some seriously strong antisocial tendencies and a general disdain for most other people, especially if they think said people are ‘beneath them.’


Decorum tends to be the norm at that level, (outliers like Trump notwithstanding), that there were any boos at all speaks volumes more there than elsewhere.


Actually, I think the audience was just moaning.

“Booze, booze!”, the firemen cried,
as they came knocking at the door.

“… it wasn’t 'til I became a politician …”

Eh? This guy thinks he’s a politician now?

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