Trump has COVID-19

Well said. We are all going to be overrun with that on our family and friend networks. I can’t keep up.


October 1, 2020
The Virus mutates to its Final Form:


Sobering thought from Carole Cadwalladr.


I’m skeptical.
My bet: he’s going to make a remarkable recovery before the next debate, to demonstrate 1) how strong he is, despite being in the ‘vulnerable’ age-group; 2) how other strong people like him can beat this disease; and, most importantly, that: 3) it was hardly worse than a cold, and certainly not as bad as the fearful lefty Dems have been warning, causing them to cripple his beautiful economy by shutting down the country…they were wrong all along.
Let’s see if he wears a mask tomorrow.
After flunking the debate, this is one of his only remaining moves.


Disturbing about Biden. They were distanced, but they were also turning toward each other and basically shouting at times. Singing, cheering, public speaking, all increase the odds. They wouldn’t have had fans going because of fragile hairstyles.

It’s not a good circumstance, at all. One hopes that Trump’s and Biden’s staff were never in close proximity, too. I can’t really see how they could have pulled off the event without people from the opposite sides being exposed.

The timing is deeply troubling. Given what might happen I wouldn’t be cheering. I wish this hadn’t happened at all. If you think the election is in chaos now, imagine if the worst outcome happens.


The best outcome is Trump removed from office by the Senate and prosecuted for his crimes

Trump off the board by death or disability with Pence pledging to honor his legacy is not a win


That’s because he’s too cheap to get bespoke stuff, or even made to measure, and because he has atrocious taste and no sense of style.

Anyway – Trump’s an obese septuagenarian in a high-stress position, with almost certainly other existing health problems (anything from insomnia to dementia to mini-strokes). This is going to be a genuine danger to him, and there’s a real chance of him becoming unable to hold his position before the end of his term. 2020 continues to be way too interesting times.


I’m almost surprised Donny Boy didn’t pull a pistol and shoot the COVID carrier Biden as a precautionary move. That would surely have energized his base.

It makes him look like a Big Strong Man like Putin or Erdogan or Bolsonaro because he beat the Rona in less than a week.


And Trump is a loud talker. That could put him in the same category of spreaders as some singers. It would be unsurprising if he is an aerosol super spreader, if he actually has it.


Bingo. And if he decides he doesn’t want to only spend three days a week golfing he can resign for health reasons and get pardoned.


I have two conflicting responses to this news:

  1. It was inevitable. He was contemptuous of all precautions.
  2. He is lying so that he can say that he had it, he got over it, and only losers have a problem with it.

Lots of complicated feelings about this. But like many, given how often this man and his administration lies through their teeth about easily verifiable things, I wouldn’t put it past them to use a lie about him getting Covid to try and gin up sympathy among his shaky, crumbling base, AND give him an excuse to not attend the next scheduled debate where he’s likely to have another melt down and further damage his reelection chances.

I don’t wish ill on anyone. However, I do believe in karma and this is one hell of a karma hammer if it’s true.


If he actually has it, this seems like a fair point.


I think the republican party would rather weekend at bernies him than admit they were dumb fuckwits. If he hasn’t been 25A’d yet, it’s never going to happen. The republican party is too stupid, evil, and addicted to outright graft.


It is so, so very hard though.

But of course, this is correct. As hard as it is to not have the moral high ground on Donald Trump, there’s nothing more than fleeting joy in wishing him ill.


Thoughts and prayers


Yeah, I wouldn’t be able to get through that whole sentence with a straight face, either ^^’ .

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No, I agree that he not lying for once is correct. He’ll lie about how rich he is, about how smart he is, about how strong he is. He’s not likely to lie about getting sick in part due to his own hubris and stupidity.