Trump "hopes it doesn't involve violence" if Republicans deny him their nomination

Sadly, they are intractably intertwined with his complete and total lack of self-awareness and personal integrity.


If he had self-awareness or personal integrity, they wouldn’t be surprising.

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Will there be GOOD Drumpf supporters with guns?

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Please elaborate?

What “wouldn’t be surprising” to whom?

Moments of lucidity wouldn’t be surprising if they were coming from someone you expected it from.

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Ah, I see.

To be fair, it’s only “surprising” to me that his head has not yet spun around a full 360 degrees…

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Ah man, I’m not saying that I’d like to see his disarticulated head spin around 360 degrees, and I really hope it doesn’t happen, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it comes down to that…

(fingers crossed!)


Personally I hope all his negative karma doesn’t catch up to him all at once at an inopportune moment like during a debate, causing him to stroke out onstage right in the middle of an insult, I mean, “rebuttal.”

That would be awful thing, a truly terrible thing…


Yes - that is their claim - that we are all safer with guns, only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Therefore ipso facto the Republican Convention would be safer if everybody had guns.

If not, well then they are all just a bunch of hypocrits.

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A pop has his what?

So if he wins he joined the corrupters?

I like your thinking. Why allow the Selbstmord of the Republican Party to remain a mere metaphor?

I don’t think it has anything to do with benefit, but rather is about sympathy. Sympathy doesn’t necessarily have any logic behind it.

But I do think it’s fair to say Trump is encouraging it by using it as a threat to try to secure the nomination. He could say, “There are those out there who think that by using violence they can somehow support me. Violence is never acceptable, and I want to say to you, if you are planning on being violent in my name, don’t.” He’s called for violence at his rallies in the past, and reminisced about the good old violent days. I don’t think he deserves any benefit of the doubt on this issue.


Nice nomination process you got dere - sure would be a shame if something were to happen to it

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No benefit of the doubt, agreed. You’re right. He’s not using his platform to condemn violence. I think he sees this as a negotiation tactic. The threat of force as a political tool.

Listening to his quotes he certainly plays up to the violence prone in the crowds he addresses… to wild cheers. So I think he know’s he’s pretty much addressing an angry and rather unruly mob.

I don’t think he gets that America’s domestic terrorists are also Trump fans too. For their own reasons.

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The Secret Service sets security rules for events like this and they said guns are a no-no. Which I’m sure came as a huge relief to party leadership since it provided plausible deniability. (“Shucks, we’d love to allow you good folks to bring guns here but our hands were tied.”)


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