Trump: 'I think you'd have riots' and 'bad things' if I'm not GOP nominee

Yes, the RNC does like direct physical threats. A lot. The RNC just adores direct physical threats. They usually have other people than their front runner make the direct physical threats. That’s really the only difference this election season.


apparently, some conservatives are already talking about it.


They will. We saw it with Sarah Palin. For the first three days after her nomination the GOP paused, stunned. There are recordings of pundits calling that the death of the election. But then they swung into insane solidarity mode and pretended to love her.

The solidarity of the GOP is their strength, but the insane lengths they’ll go through to enforce it is a weakness, and that’s what we’re seeing with Trump here. Most of the GOP leadership has already come out against Trump. As they fall into line and contradict themselves, even the comparatively incapable and irrational right wing of the USA is having a hard time admitting they can swallow said lies.


Wait … Donald Trump actually used the word “disenfranchise”? That’s … an awfully big word for him. Huge, one might say.


Well he does use the best words.


Well yeah, shitty as it is, it would be subverting representational democracy, and they seem an especially violent lot anyway…


Even giving Trump supporters the benefit of the doubt (people will be more bigoted and mobbish and tribal if stressed, and we’ve much unemployment and political disaffection in the USA), I’m still acutely disappointed in many of my fellow Americans.

Gross and embarrassing as this circus has been, at least it’s making starkly evident who is decent and who is terrible. I know some conservatives who voted for Trump despite knowing he is a bigoted and self-serving windbag with no reason to be the POTUS, but OTOH I know some who said they would rather vote Dem (after a lifetime of voting Republican) than see him elected. A small-c Rockefeller/Nixon type woman said to me, “You either recognize the rise of witch-hunty fascism and stand against it or you’re complicit in evil.”

I can’t disagree with that. Heavier-than-usual emphasis on the societal redemption narrative, check. Heavier-than-usual nationalism, check. Xenophobia, check. Easily-categorized internal enemies, check. He just needs full-on corporatism, and while I don’t get the sense that he’s devoted to the idea of national corporatism in the sociopolitical sense, he’s certainly made a lifelong career of exploiting it in furtherance of his own moneymaking.


Everyone is disappointed. But in a way, many of us are also elated. We’ve finally found a candidate so grotesque that, at least right now, even half of the GOP can’t pretend he’s a good idea. People are resigning from BREITBART over this guy. He is tearing the right wing apart because it turns out that despite being ignorant and dishonest, it does appear that some conservatives at least have a tiny scrap of soul lodged in their being somewhere.

We’ve found the cut off point where even many people who lie regularly that they love unborn babies while insisting that abstinence only sex education is a good idea can finally admit that right wing ideology has gone wrong. The people who deny evolution science are stopping short to say, “who the hell is this guy?” The rest of the sane, adult world has been scrounging for at least 40 years to figure out what makes these imbeciles tick, and we might finally have figured some of it out. Trump may be the key to teaching conservatives how to be human beings.


I’m pretty sure this explains how he got so far already. My socially conservative* relatives seem to be breaking for Trump mostly because he is in the lead and they can’t be seen as supporting someone as odious as Hillary**.

*“socially conservative” in the sense that they are only conservative when in the presence of other conservatives
**The malingering sexism in the fact that they still use her first name to address her is galling, and is only repeated for verisimilitude.


Of course there will be public fighting breaking out either way. The GOP convention hasn’t started yet, and people are already fighting at his campaign rallies. He’s the sorcerer’s apprentice and can’t break the spell on his own.

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Shouldn’t that be Rupert Murdoch’s face?


Didn’t they do that already?


Citation needed.

BTW, my comment was in reply to this:[quote=“PhasmaFelis, post:10, topic:75164”]
(I’m interested in informed/thoughtful discussion, BTW, not “obviously they’d do whatever is most STUPIDEVIL because they’re all so STUPIDEVIL”)

You are apparently playing the STUPIDEVIL card.

what could be more republican than threats of violence? and don’t try to sell me that BS that both sides do it. they don’t, not at all the same.


The left is rioting? I didn’t get the memo.


I believe some have suggested that the solution to that is to vote on a rule change at the convention removing that requirement. (and just throw in some candidate that has not participated in the primaries this time - such at Mittens)

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Okay, I’m going out into left-field conspiracy theory territory here, bear with me a moment.

He’s been buds with Hillary for a long time, it’s only recently that he’s been keeping distance, so I’m assuming (as I’ve said before here) that he’s Hillary’s stalking horse.


What if her ambitions are bigger than that? What if he can drum (Drumpf!) up enough shit-kickers to riot widely enough for president Hillary to declare martial law?

We already know she’s beholden to the corporate elite, (as is Trump, not that he’d ever admit it), what better way to put the screws to the entire world in one fell swoop?

I was voting for Bernie anyway, but damn, he might be our only hope!
(If he doesn’t get assassinated, but then again I worried Obama might be too and he’s doing just fine.)

Drumpf clearly taking a page from the Enoch Powell “Rivers of Blood” playbook:

“As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see “the River Tiber foaming with much blood””


Right, the actually number of final votes shouldn’t count against those who did vote for him. Imagine if something like that happened during AL Gore’s election. The country couldn’t survive something like that.

I foresee plagues, floods and the exodus of the american people.

So spoketh the Grand Lizard.


Let us hope. Powell was an utterly ghastly man, partly because in those days he had to conceal his homosexuality, which I suspect embittered him. He appealed to the Far Right because, let’s face it, they’re pretty ghastly too. But he was a sideshow, and ultimately a complete political flop who ended up in a Northern Irish bigotry echo chamber.

Gough Whitlam, who was one of his pupils when Powell confined his activities to teaching classics, described him as a “textual maniac”. Trump too has all the best words.