Trump: 'I think you'd have riots' and 'bad things' if I'm not GOP nominee

Donald Trump is the test of the old theory that “if the party nominated a pig, they would vote for it.”

I’ve always assumed that this theory was true for large numbers of people, but I think we’re about to get an empirical measure of just how many.


So. Anyone for a betting pool on the predicted level of police stompdown of a trump-supporter riot? Kid gloves, or would the cops get an informal memo similar to the National Review hit piece that went up recently, to the effect that white trash who don’t vote the right way are really no better than welfare negroes and dirty pothead hippies who vote for the democrat party?


Nice election you’ve got 'ere. Be a shame if something 'appened to it


So let’s look at the other side. If It comes down to a situation where Sanders has a majority of pledged delegates, but it could be swung by superdelegates, I’ll be heading down to Philly for the convention, and if the superdelegates overturn the popular vote, we’ll be partying like it’s 1968. Populist maniac or not, subverting the electoral process is about as good a reason as I can think of to riot.


Definitely. Definitely a very good brain.

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To be fair, the Clinton campaign uses “Hillary” alone as well, it’s on all her signs (maybe to distance herself from Bill), but then the Sanders campaign uses “Bernie” also. While Republicans might say her name like they were spitting out a bug, others use “Hillary” as if they were referring to a friend, so I don’t think “Hillary” alone is necessarily disrespectful.

When I refer to Trump as “The Donald” it’s completely sarcastic, but knowing his ego he probably likes that phrase.


I’m imagining “Young Frankenstein” if Igor had grabbed Trump’s brain instead of “Abby Normal’s” brain.


I’m surprised Trump scored as well as he did, to be honest.


Flesch-Kincaid and those other metrics are more estimates of the grade level required to understand a piece of content, not the grade level of the writer/speaker—in other words, the graph shows that politicians are talking down to us, not that they’re morons (these two premises are not mutually exclusive).


WaPo has just called Donald Trump a ‘threat to democracy’ and for the GOP to resist his candidacy at a brokered convention!

No, Mr. Trump must be stopped because he presents a threat to American democracy. Mr. Trump resembles other strongmen throughout history who have achieved power by manipulating democratic processes.

Their playbook includes a casual embrace of violence; a willingness to wield government powers against personal enemies; contempt for a free press; demonization of anyone who is not white and Christian; intimations of dark conspiracies; and the propagation of sweeping, ugly lies.

Mr. Trump has championed torture and the murder of innocent relatives of suspected terrorists. He has flirted with the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists. He has libeled and stereotyped wide swaths of humanity, including Mexicans and Muslims. He considers himself exempt from the norms of democratic contests, such as the release of tax returns, policy papers, lists of advisers and other information that voters have a right to expect.


“There could be tantrums.”


And, um… well armed. I’m told that they are well armed.

Part of me almost hopes that we do see some of the violent consequences Trump’s Fascist Fuckbus is plowing towards. Right now, it’s still possible for someone with their head sufficiently far up their ass to deny Trump’s place among the nightmarish demagogues of history. But, if this does boil over into a full-blown Kristallnacht, then at least it won’t be possible to whitewash the whole thing once it’s over.

If Trump loses the general election, there’ll still be millions of adults who voted for him, and if that swarming electoral ugliness isn’t seen for exactly what it is-- if it’s allowed back underground-- then it’ll contaminate discourse and propel a wave of Trumplings into congressional, state and local offices for years to come.


I have no doubt that Trump’s supporters will ratchet-up the violence if he isn’t the nominee. Some of his supporters are already feeling free to attack innocent targets, and there’s no reason to believe they would quietly accept Trump losing the nomination.

His campaign should be handing-out brown t-shirts at the rallies, just to complete the meme.


Oh, you mean like He Who Must Not Be Named.


He knows the best words.

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It may be important to remember that Trump isn’t exceptional - he’s the natural outgrowth of the strategies and psychology that have been prominent in the Republican party since 2008 at least.

He is not a disease. He is a symptom.


A mass Piñata burning?

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