Trump is taunted by his own party after he lost up to 25% in primaries last night: "a badddddd sign"

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His physical presence in Palm Beach probably isn’t helping him among voters in southern Florida.


Go, Joe!


Yeah, they’re gratifyingly embarrassing results for Biff. I doubt that they’ll translate into enough Republican voters staying home in November, though. The Dems need to continue to focus on their own GOTV effort.


So does that mean these GOP voters won’t vote for him in November?

I really don’t know anymore.

It’s not like any of those people will vote for Biden.


about that…


“Yeah but you can’t believe any of the polls, they’re all biased!” --MAGA voter.


exit polls like that are telling. some voters will stay home, and some will switch to biden. exactly how many? we’ll see

from another thread, there’s also her donors

President Joe Biden’s team is successfully recruiting some former donors to Nikki Haley’s campaign

these are all signs of weak support for ■■■■■ in the general election


I like this tea-leaf-reading as much as the next person, but honestly, who is it, exactly, who is coming out to vote in primaries when both candidates are the only ones running?

Some are people who want to signal their support for their candidate no matter what, some are people who want to signal their dislike of them. But we have no idea what the mix of these people are, and how they’ll compare to the general.

It’s just a very weird group of people. (And I say that including myself, as someone who voted for Biden in the primary.)

We’d love to say that this means that 25% of Republicans don’t like Trump, but it doesn’t mean that at all.

Let’s focus on GOTV and not worry to much about tea leaves.


…You can’t draw out just the d, Adam. It doesn’t work with stops, unless you’re imagining stuttering it a whole bunch.


I saw one story somewhere yesterday that like 11% of Republicans interviewed in one of these states said they aren’t voting for Trump in November no matter what. They’ll either vote for Biden, a 3rd Party, or stay home. If that’s believable, that means Trump can’t win.


I don’t care. Go vote because your life will depend on it. The fact that 80% of his base still support him is beyond insanity. Don’t let 2016 repeat. Don’t let chance decide. There is only one way to make sure. I will only at peace when this POS behind bar. Anything other than that is a risk.
james cameron aliens GIF


How many people dislike him for this stuff rather than the whole fascist proto-dictator thing?

I’ll be glad as anyone to be rid of this guy regardless of exactly how, but it does make me worry what will happen to this country if a competent/polished fascist shows up. :confused:


Does not matter. I am hoping for utter humiliation for the asshole who shall not be named, but I will not rely on anyone else to administer the humiliation. We need to keep focused as though our lives depend on it, because for a lot, they do. If his disciples stay home, Huzzah!! But I will not count on that.


The other reason this doesn’t matter is because we also need to take back the House, and build on the majority in the Senate. If we can manage an actual blue wave this time, the GOP will be forced to change or die. Hopefully the latter.


Here’s hoping. I also hope that the Biden campaign doesn’t focus on shifting further right to get their votes. If they vote for him, great, but that’s not something the Dems can do much to influence. Bringing in more progressive voters, on the other hand, is something they can do.


Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek


You’re 100% correct. The media likes to focus on percentages, but ignore the numbers. If you look Biden’s vs. Trump’s numbers, they tell a more dire picture for Biden. Literally half the number of votes that Trump is receiving in almost every state. Part of that, as you say, is that the nominees are foregone conclusions, but also Trump supporters REALLY like Trump. Biden supporters are far more blasé. This is the situation that led to what happened in 2016. Turnout is critical to a second Biden term. I applaud and echo what you say above: those of us who do like Biden, and know how horrible a second Trump term will be, need to get involved any way you can to Get Out the Vote.


Ones like me who voted in the primary almost entirely for the down-ballot candidates but also voted for Biden while I was there. In my county, a GOP in Democratic clothing was trying to win the Democratic primary for DA. Running on a pro-cop, hard-on-crime platform complete with GOP donors and black-money mailers full of fear mongering. In Travis county, the Democratic candidate usually wins the election.

Biden wasn’t why I was there but I did vote for him


I went to check on how Biden is doing and expected him to be just as bad:

But…no. Biden is still losing more votes than typical in his (almost) unopposed primaries, but nowhere near as bad as TFG.