Trump "jokes" that he will leave country if he loses

“Running against the worst canidate in the history of US politics puts enormous pressure on me”


But would it? I’m imagining a situation where Trump flees to avoid facing the charges in the first place, rather than after he’s convicted. At some point I imagine there’d be a warrant out for his arrest and, even if the secret service couldn’t actually bring him back themselves, they couldn’t go on protecting him, but Trump’s lawyers would be trying their damnedest to hold off that moment for as long as possible.

I suppose Trump wouldn’t want the secret service around him before that point, even if they couldn’t drag him back, in the paranoid expectation that someday they might. It’ll be interesting to see if/when Trump and his family give up secret service protection…


Of course he’s joking. He won’t even leave the White House without being dragged out kicking and screaming.


I picture Trump fleeing to Russia expecting a grand reception but discovering that Putin hasn’t time for him. Trump probably thinks Putin is an ally who’ll take care of him in his dotage, but to Vlad Trump has only been a useful idiot.Hiding out in Moscow, despised by everyone but a small American cadre who no longer get the daily hit of the bully pulpit that kept them juiced up, Trump would just be a whiny pain in the ass to Putin. Not worth the Novichok…they’d probably just stuff him with hamburgers until he explodes.

The right wing terror cults won’t go away after Trump. They’ve always been here to an extent. But their success in recent years has come from having a charismatic leader at the top who enables and encourages them. You won’t see red-hatted acolytes fighting through Covid-19-infested torrents to prostrate themselves before Mike Pence or Ted Cruz. Trump’s usefulness to Putin ends when il Duce leaves the country.


To do the 3rd-World-Despot-In-Exile thing you have to have piles of ill gotten boodle to sweeten your hosts. Donny has piles of ill-gotten debt, and it doesn’t look like he’s been able to grift enough out of the US government to dig himself out much. I don’t think most of the traditional bolt-holes would have much use for a beggar with somewhere north of half a billion in debt coming due, and “assets” (to use the term loosely) subject to confiscation or at least freezing.


Sure, that would be preferable. Biden said in July he wants to close it down, so maybe that’s not too far away.

OTOH, Trump himself signed an order that it be kept open indefinitely. So it’s only adequate he goes there if it is still open at that time. He’d be the worst terrorist there anyway.


Napoleon left Elba. I’d suggest St Helena, but it’s apparently a nice place, populated by people who don’t remotely deserve Trump.


How about Mt. St. Helens? Appropriately hot and sulfurous at the moment


shades of Huey Long!

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A former president of the united states can never be “no longer of use.” He has 4 years of the highest level of intelligence he can disgorge, if he was ever paying attention. But even if he wasn’t, the propaganda/driving trollies value of keeping an indicted president out of the clutches of the SDNY is incalculable.

the fantasy is indeed wonderful. (don’t forget how he’s sitting there, slumped in a stained, yellowed T-shirt, on a narrow squeaky dorm-room type bed, trapped, like Harry Mudd, with Melania. paper-thin walls. he winces with pain as he takes a shower because the neighbor has flushed the toilet.)

but the reality would be significantly more comfortable. he would be in a cage, sure, but an upscale gilded one. (even edward snowden is enjoying russia.) he will still be “doing deals”, making money, tweeting, living the life. and that life will be as “limited” as one of the russian oligarchs is. all he has to do is remember the rules: never cross putin. and if there’s one thing trump cares about it’s his own survival.


He absolutely is stupid enough to think he will spend the rest of his days golfing on his Scottish golf course, isn’t he? Surely his mate Boris won’t extradite him, his simple mind tells him.

He can’t even conceive of leaders being bound by the judiciary’s decision and following it. And as much as I hate Alex Johnson, I do believe he would in this case.


Leaving? He’ll need this:


Jokes and threats, no. A promise – I’ll go for that.

Meanwhile, his final act as President: Order the launch of a US Space Force vehicle to take him and Ivanka to safe refuge at the lunar Nazi base. Low-G may extend his life, alas.


tenor (1)


I would love to see him try to make a home in Moldova.


He’d just try to Make Moldova Great Again.


Keep in mind that he’d have to be watched - all the time. His personality is not gonna change, either. I’m guessing someone would offer him a nice refreshing beverage within a year or two. :tea:


I apporove. I think the better place for him and family is in Porto azzurro, in the Forte Longone complex. That is an old jail buit by the spanish, and is still in use, expecially with people wit an over 20 years sentence.

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If he threw in a pack of Trump Steaks, I’d vote TWICE for Biden.

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Yeah, probably there.