Trump Jr. baffles with nonsensical diatribe in street interview

And to think I was glad when he stopped dating the Scientologist…

Newsom’s latest affair of the heart could turn into political heartburn

By Phillip Matier, Andrew Ross March 1, 2006


He may want to pretend that she’s a “different person,” but I think the reality is that a lot of these people are simply interested in wealth and power for their own sake and have little to no core values beyond that. They’re hollow people playing a game with real consequences for the rest of us.


what, you mean this?
Screen Shot 2023-09-01 at 10.11.11 AM


Yeah, exactly. I can imagine being surprised by a person’s behavior from one decade to the next. One of my exes became one of the spox for Larouche PAC. I did not see that coming, but in her case it was at least motivated from the same core values and not a wholesale refutation of everything she professed to believe. It must be much more difficult to realize that the person you cared for (married, even!) is just a power-hungry greed pig with no moral compass.



… W. would have decided it was time to invade Iran


Was @Flossaluzitarin Don Jr. all along?

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