Trump lies that Ivanka 'created over 15 million jobs'

That almost seems like a good general rule. Maybe limited to two or three generations, or it could get weird.


Yep, this is the exact same crazy-pants claim he’s been making for a while, that’s so clearly divorced from reality that no one could figure out where it came from. Eventually someone traced the claim back to some work Ivanka did with a group of corporations to commit to job training.

Of course, no “job creation” was involved, it was about job training only, which largely consisted of retraining workers for changing jobs at their companies or otherwise training workers to fit into existing jobs.

It also wasn’t “15 million.” Companies committed to 6 million job training opportunities (though it’s unclear how many have actually happened yet). Trump kept inflating the numbers every time he mentioned it. He seems to have settled in the vicinity of 15 million now, for some reason.


I believe it’s axiomatic that every article and report so far that includes “Trump” in its title, is about his lying.

I propose this template for all future, Trump-related article/report titles: Trump (date) No. ( )


At the next press session:

Walter Cronkite: Mr. President, you said that Ivanka created over 15 million jobs. Can you tell us the nature and locations of those jobs, and can you provide us with data about that? Thank you, sir.

The President of the United States: Do you think I don’t see how snarky you are, Walter? You’re not fooling anybody. Are you ready? Are you ready? Nobody likes you, Walter. You’re a little wise guy. I’ve seen your ratings. They’re very, very bad. Like in the basement bad. I’m telling you, folks. I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true. I don’t want to say it. Other people are saying it, I don’t want to say it because it’s nasty. You should be complimenting us because we are doing a perfect job. Perfect. You’re horrible. Fake news. Your question is fake. Next question.


that is so spot-on it’s spooky. :eyes:


I think of a President, and I take away reason and accountability.


In fairness to El Presidente; if you count all the various things he knows nothing about that Jared has been nepotismed into being quasi-official family fixer of, Ivanka has created quite a few jobs.




Yes. Thats the question. Not if but when.
And then maybe appoint Ivanka to the Supreme Court. Push Pence out and run with some Russian mob guy. Who knows? There is no bottom. Whatever you can imagine it will be worse.
Trump is like a reverse Steven Jobs, creating amazingly horrible shit before we even know that we don’t want it yet.


Every US election one side worries out loud that the incumbent might not relinquish the ringmaster’s chair. It never happens. American democracy might be broken … but it still observes the quadrennial circus of election and inauguration. Even Trump can’t flout that tradition.

using the word “groom” when describing the Donald-Ivanka relationship hits a little too close to the truth I fear


As the saying goes, the son-in-law also rises.



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If Killer Donnie was speaking, it’s a very safe bet he was lying.

One of the imbecilic children of a fucking moron. What do you expect except stupid BS?

I don’t want to say it, other people are saying it that Holy Steve also created his share of amazingly horrible shit. Remains to be seen who has the more lasting impact on the world. Trump will be largely forgotten in a generation, I think.

Who did what?


Nope, purely an anecdotal observation. I should have been clear though, rather than “other side” I should have said “a small element from the other side”. Surely you remember far-right crazies worrying out loud that Obama wasn’t going to leave office?