Trump lies, 'They’ve come up with the AIDS vaccine'

Ha! I was going to say something to that effect, but it was too depressing when I started to think about the sheer quantity of alcohol one would imbibe in just one day.


He looks super beat down and tired. He’s not even bragging - like in this situation he used to talk about how smart he was and how he know more about vaccines than anyone, due to his big brain and being good at science because his uncle taught at MIT.


Now y’all he clearly meant treatment. It is not nice making fun of handicapped people… oh wait.


This is the best news since the time that they developed a pill to cure all cancers.


There are vaccines in trial (as there have been before), but no viable one yet.


That’s the only possible response to much of what he’s blurted out. :rofl: I’d think, though, there must a specialized tiger team composed of WH lawyers working 24/7 to studying Trump’s talks and tweets in real-time, with the sole task of coming up with responses to the inevitable next-day questions. That would explain the paperwork (flowchart?!) that McEnany constantly refers to whenever asked a question by the press corp.


Watch his West Point speech on YT: While on the way to being escorted to the podium ramp, he stopped for a few seconds to gently pat a sign hanging on what appeared to be a tank. That must have been his bizarre attempt to appear human. He patted it as a person would a dog… if that person had never seen a dog before and was unsure of how to pet it.


There isn’t any vaccine for All the Idiots Doing Stupid!

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I’ll take “Village Idiot Becomes President “ for $500 Alex…


I have to wonder if anyone in the clinical professions are tempted to resurrect old terms such as idiot and moron.


That is a rather weird thing to say. Because that implies that the his lifestyle and life choices had no effect whatsoever. Would that just be Trump, or anyone?

Also I think we do see signs of dementia, and there is a difference between a clueless asshole son of rich people who was elected anyway, and a president unfit for office for medical reasons.

No, because the medical professions abandoned those terms for good reasons: they are derogatory, not descriptive.


The presidential debates this year are going to be really horrid. I still can’t believe Democrats shot themselves in the foot (again). There were so many viable options, and they went with Biden? Why not just have him pick Hillary as a running mate so we can be done with this and hand the election over on a nice silver platter?

On the up-side, looking at what 3 1/2 years has done to this guy…he ain’t making’ it another 4…


Is he taking it as a preventative? Along with his hydroxychloroquine regimen?


Yes. I know. :smirk:





They were once descriptive terms created by the medical profession. Idiot meant mental capacity of 2, moron was between 7 and 10. Imbecile was between the two. The terms became derogatory in common usage and were abandoned for that reason (and more specific descriptors being developed), not because they lost their original descriptive meaning.

I took great joy as a child telling my younger brother where he fit in those categories due to his age. “You’re not an idiot … you’re a moron.”


Obviously AIDS and COVID-19 are sharing a tiny cabin in his brain-ship.


The word idiot is reported as first used in the 14th century and imbecile in 1802. The only one I think might have been created by the medical profession is moron from 1910, which is literally just Greek for dull or stupid. So I’m pretty sure they started derogatory and were only then applied as descriptions by people like Goddard, noted psychiatrist and eugenicist, rather than ever being neutral.


"We have some very smart people. Very smart people. They put… cheese… in a can. I mean, what other nation would even think of doing that? You got a cracker, you want some cheese but you don’t want to cut a slice of cheese, so you just squirt it on there. Squirt it on there.

“And, you know, they also invented bubble wrap. For houses, originally. It was supposed to be for houses. But now we use them to pop and play with and everyone has a great time with it.”


Am I the only one noticing that weird tick, when his right elbow just jumps to a side, right after he said “therapeutic were aids” (or whatever the fuck he says there)?