Trump: "Look at my African-American over here, look at him"

(Hi milliefink, I always enjoy your stuff!)

I was making a rather silly joke based on the (admittedly loose) parallel between Trump’s “Look at my African-American over here, look at him” and Corey’s numerous articles titled “Just look at this (insert random thing each week made out of banana)… just look at it!” The link I included was a compendium of those articles. As to why Corey does that to begin with, either there’s no distinct reason or I wasn’t around when that train left the station; but I find his banana thing cute in a performance art kind of way.

I made a similarly obtuse comment sometime ago about an article on boingboing covering violence at a KKK rally somewhere in Anaheim. In my response, I said that if it only it had happened in the Haunted Mansion, and the weapons had been bananas, then it would have registered a 10 on the boingboing-meter (the haunted house being another fave of Corey’s) (and of mine). (For that matter I also love bananas, but my passions about them run towards the consuming rather than the beholding.)

Anyway… long answer to a question that maybe in some sense has no truly meaningful answer. If you wanted to know if I go off the rails sometimes: yes, yes I do. :slight_smile: