Trump: "Look at my African-American over here, look at him"

I wasn’t here back then; so I can’t attest to that, however likely it may be.

I can only relate what I’ve seen and experienced since the mid 1970’s.


With attacks on Political Correctnes Stewart Lee said it best for me

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Eh. As bad as he is… America is honestly worse.


I’m not totally sure how slur-ey some of those are, but it can be entertaining from a “Wow, they thought of everyone possible to insult here” way. The one that jumped out at me was Blaxican, which is a pretty famous food truck: The owner may just be unaware of it being a slur, though.

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This American Life to the rescue again:
The gay, black, Trump supporter.


Trump on board his Boeing on his way to Redding: “Remind me to pronounce it as ‘Klu Klux Klan’, with an -L-. And does anyone have 60 bucks on him to pay the black guy after the rally?”


He’s pretty familiar with the Klan. His dad got arrested at a rally.

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Yup, that’s why his campaign assistant John Miller suggested to mispronounce it. To avert all suspicion.


I rather appreciate the cheerfully adversarial relationship that some Jews have with God. There’s a bit from the Pratchett novel Dodger where Solomon Cohen describes his arrival on English shores, having fled from Russian pogroms that killed his wife and destroyed his community: “I said, ‘God, I don’t think I believe in you anymore,’ and God said, ‘That’s all right, Solomon, I’ll be here if you change your mind.’”


Judaism has been called “a 3000 year old argument with G-d”. One of my personal favorite anecdotes goes as follows (using the excellent writeup at TV Tropes):

There’s also a story of Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus, a prominent (and extremely conservative) Roman era rabbi, trying to convince the Sanhedrin that he was in the right about a particular kind of oven being impervious to Levitical uncleanness. Even when overruled, he managed to call on various signs from the natural world (trees, a stream, the beams of the Sanhedrin building) to show he was in the right. Each time, the Sanhedrin dismissed the sign as the sign-bearer stepping outside of its jurisdiction. Finally, Eliezer beseeched God himself to step in…which he did, identifying Eliezer as correct about the oven being tamei-proof. Cue the Sanhedrin head rebuking God for this, even quoting Deuteronomy to the effect that the demands of the law put jurisdiction only among the rabbis; “it is not in the heavens”. Let that sink in; the rabbis dismissed God for overstepping his legal bounds. Best part? Immediately afterwards, at the throne of Heaven, God was laughing with delight, saying “My children have defeated me, my children have defeated me!”.


Yeah, but they were just a bunch of Philistines!


A few months ago I heard Charles Evers, brother of Medgar Evers, on NPR endorsing Trump. I can’t believe I only just remembered it. He was pretty unwavering in his reason for the endorsement: “I just like Trump.”


And this happens the same day that Muhammad Ali dies… probably of despair and a broken heart.



But you know that they’re not referring to the white people in those categories as vermin or savages.


Sadly, belief in human rights isn’t in the genetics.


So he says he has tremendous support from the African-American community, then points out the lone black face in the crowd, and tops it off with “Look at my African American!” It’s like George Costanza bending over backwards to prove he has one black friend, and making himself look even more racist.


Some are more silly than offensive, for sure; but it is interesting how much time and energy some people have put into thinking that shit up.


Once. He was elected by the people once. The bigger shame is that he was elected the second time by people who should have known better.


Was he? I remember hearing about shady shit in Florida the first time, and then Ohio the second time.


Sorry if a dupe response: the news, at least NBC, found and interviewed the fellow. The politest way I can describe his answer is: he’s a total Uncle Tom. He pretty much is combination self-race-denier and F(*^&ing dumb [redacted] .