Trump makes fool of himself with lack of knowledge on Ukraine

Again… she did not start the Iraq war. The obama administration pulled people OUT of Iraq (for a short while, at least). Libya was a coalition force. Again, you can’t lay that squarely on the feet of the US, as France would have gone in regardless. As for Ukraine, do you think that Moscow had nothing to do with events there? Even if we were also involved, Russia bears responsibility there, too. Russia is acting as an imperial power, too. it’s not just the US who are making this mess. There is plenty of blame to go around.

And the roots of that don’t lay solely in the actions in Libya.


Which was meaningless, since the rest of Canada did not agree to any such sovereignty-association. The arguments for it consisted of the sort of lies and happy delusions that preceded the Brexit vote, and that Trump spews every five minutes.

If by “Alberta”, you mean “someone’s drunk uncle in Red Deer”, then yes.

Don’t pretend that anything in recent Quebec history is in any way similar or relevant to Putin’s behaviour in eastern Europe.

edit: I see that @hotel already covered much of what I said in more detail.


Well, that clears that up. And yes, there’s quite a lot of speculation as to how much involvement he has with Russia. He’s certainly courted rich Russian oligarchs to help fund his campaign, he and Putin have had a mutual admiration society for quite some time, and his senior staff has deep ties to Russia’s government. But I guess you can clear that up by saying “bull”.

Trump has literally said he’d be just fine with NATO dissolving.

Trump supported the Brexit (and continues to) and has called Brussels a hellhole.
He mocked EU leaders for ‘letting terrorism happen’. He mocked the UK for letting Muslims into the country. Neither the EU nor the UK are at all fond of Trump.

There’s already a huge wall covering the entire border? Well, that’ll save him time. Or are you just making that up?

I’m not interested in rehashing Clinton’s secretary of state years to you. By no means is she my idea of an ideal leader; far too hawkish in her policies in many ways. But she’s very solid and extremely experienced, and very diplomatic. Trump wants to destroy our international agreements, treaties, and friendships.


What’s your experience like as a black person working in a Веб-бригады to post pro-Russian comments on the internet? Are you paid equally to white people in Russia doing the same work? благодаря.


Not totally exceptional! Tell you what. You tell me which American presidents were not racist and we can see if we agree. However I think that pretty much every president before Kennedy was racist and a decent number of the others were probably racist (Boston being such a racist town makes it easy for me to think the Kennedys were racist).

We have a black president in the WH when there are clearly issues with black people’s ability to survive interaction with the police. If the absence of racism in the President was such a big big deal you would think there might be fewer unarmed black deaths at the hands of the police.

But most of all, I was just addressing the idea that HRC is good on FP and Trump is bad. It just aint so. Yeah, she talks real pretty but she has dumb ideas which have killed a lot of people and she will kill more if put in power.

Of course you might argue that FP is only a small issue in the election. I can see that. I feel differently but its an opinion. But I do utterly reject the idea that Sec Clinton has a good record in FP. She has made the world a scarier, nastier place and indirectly killed a lot of brown babies. Which I personally have an issue with.

Re Putin

Russia is a small regional power which argues that it has a substantial national security interest in Ukraine. Putin is an odious dictator who has amassed a 6bn personal fortune from a career entirely in politics. Clinton is a democratic politician who has (with her husband) amassed a 150mn personal fortune from a career exclusively in politics. However Putin is probably defending Russian interests in his actions in Ukraine and elsewhere. I suspect Clinton believes she is defending US interests.However in doing so we can see the locals have paid a very high price. I consider that price unacceptably high and utterly immoral.

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uh what

say that again?


Well, I’m having an issue with:

because I’m having a hard time believing this person is even living in the U.S.

etfix unintentionally ironic grammatical error.


I’m right there with you.


Forgive the grammar. NYC UWS. Not that it matters but since you are having a hard time.

Bonus points for use of this word.


I have no problem with your grammar or even syntax. I was referring to my written error.

eta: I had a lot of friends in college who were from other countries. Don’t diplomats live in the UWS, too?



My dad is a keen fan of this one. So, so underused.


If you don’t mind me asking, since you are an African-American living in Manhattan, why did you choose a handle of an English soccer player? Also what drew you to make an account and begin engaging with BB on a thread about Ukraine?


That reminds me, they brought back Match Game.

(Well, sort of… this guy wasn’t available)


Yeah, that worked out great.


So a native-born African American living in “UWS” doesn’t understand American-specific English grammar why, exactly?

Taps fingers on counter…



I think it’s true in his case; not sure about HRC (or most people for that matter). It may be that if he just doesn’t give a shit about being/acting repulsive, then everyone gets used to it, to the point where they expect more out of anyone else (like HRC).

“I can’t believe you broke that window; you’re grounded”

“But Johnny broke two windows last week, plus set the house on fire, and you didn’t punish him!”

“Yes, but I expect more out of you.”


Wasn’t there a southern congressman (or senator?) that did exactly that for a while? He had his go at the job for a while, then stood up his wife as the nudgenudgewinkwink* candidate.

edit: here we go

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