Trump makes fool of himself with lack of knowledge on Ukraine

Yeah, even when it doesn’t technically run afoul of the letter of the law, it seems to defy the spirit of such law. I think the standard should be upheld quite strictly for the POTUS’s office. Perhaps Bill Clinton should not be permitted within the White House, to accompany the president on executive trips, or even to communicate with Hillary Clinton about issues of office, should she become elected this November… I don’t believe for one second he won’t try to influence the President in a manner that’s inappropriate vis-a-vis the office and the US Constitution’s Twenty-Second amendment (presidential term limits).

This is exactly why Rubio’s attempt to play according to Trump’s playground rules totally backfired.


trump makes a fool of himself with lack of knowledge about, basically, anything.

How do you know when a politician is lying? The same way you know that trump is saying something stupid

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I don’t get people who love Joe Biden but hate Hillary Clinton. The guy got his start in politics by opposing school busing and he used to be so in the tank for the banking industry he was known as “the senator from MBNA”.


I didn’t say I like Biden; I just said a Biden-Obama ticket would have won easy.

UGGH ARGGHH. Went to see who liked it and accidentally liked it How do you unlike???


Just press the heart again.


Quickly; the window of time is a tiny one.


Well, that just makes it more meta :slight_smile:. Why would it be easier for Biden to win? Or rephrased, why do people find it easier to forgive Biden’s political baggage compared to Clinton?


For starter, he got elected on his own merits, not parachuted in a safe seat because he was an ex-President’s spouse cashing in “I’ll stand by him” checks. His family went through real tragedy. He’s taken a few unpopular positions in his career (opposed Gulf War, fought Reagan on disarmament, fought against Republican-nominated Supreme Court justices), whereas Clinton has constantly been poll-driven… Yeah he comes across as a used-car-salesman stereotype, but an innocuous one with a sweet heart, so to speak, someone who can connect with the average person. Obviously his positions on Big Money are atrocious, but that’s pretty much a constant across the isle; without those positions, Clinton would not have promoted him as Obama’s VP, after all.

Hillary comes across as a careerist power-woman who will renounce anything she believes in, if only pollsters tell her so; someone who wouldn’t have been anywhere near the top jobs without her husband (or rather his infidelities) bringing her to national attention; and someone who now lives and breathes establishment and political machinery. She’s as far from the average person as Donald Trump “but at least he speaks his mind”.

(Note: I’m not a US voter, I’m just a long-time observer and these are entirely media-driven feelings – which sadly are the most relevant items in US national politics).

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Well, in a literal sense, yes. She’s easily the most qualified person for the job in decades: school reformer, US Senator, First Lady (both of the Presidency and governorship), and Secretary of State. She’s a driven woman with a solid career in politics. By resume alone, she’s a good choice for the presidency.


Looks a bit less impressive if you put it in the right order and stick to the actual jobs:

corporate exec (including on Walmart board)
First Lady
US Senator
Secretary of State

You can easily read this as “run-of-the-mill corporate lawyer, strikes it rich by marrying smart politician who will become President, builds a career on top of it”.

Is the top-of-the-class careerist, teacher-fawning, opportunist know-it-all the most qualified person to represent the whole class? Better than the insufferable racist aristocrat, sure; but hardly the stuff of dreams for the average Joe. In fact, a lot of Joes will vote the racist boaster because at least he’s a good laugh; happened to Gore…


I… did? She actually did work all of the actual jobs I listed.

Yes, you can reduce her career to being a subservient wife if that’s your idea of a good time, but I don’t like to lie or insult women, personally.

I’m talking about positions she held. You’re calling names. I’m not interested in that.


Jimmy Carter.

I don’t think Clinton is great, just that she’d be better than Trump. His lack of knowledge about the world, his focus on cutting us off from the world, and his Islamophobia - all disqualify him, IMHO. The fact that he courts and is courted by obvious racists doesn’t help.

Sorry, that’s just pure BS. Russia STILL has a huge nuclear arsenal, are an oil rich nation, with a global political reach, is pretty much the only country still regularly putting people into orbit, and is a member of the security council and it’s pretty much run by Putin, which, as you point out, is indeed an odious dictator. I think that, no matter how you feel about clinton, you can’t imagine he’s acting in the best interest of Russians. He’s clearly pushing into Crimea in order to secure a warm water port. He could have done that by treaty, but he tried to do it by force (which continues, actually). I don’t think that American is blameless in the situation in the Ukraine, but neither are the Russians.[quote=“Nobby_Stiles, post:186, topic:82450”]
But I do utterly reject the idea that Sec Clinton has a good record in FP. She has made the world a scarier, nastier place and indirectly killed a lot of brown babies.

Once again, the situation would have been very different if BUSH, you know, this guy:

Hadn’t decided that the proper response to 9/11 was to invade a country which had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! Did Clinton and pretty much the rest of our do nothing congress go along with it. Yes. Is clinton personally and solely responsible for the deaths of far too many human beings? No. She is complicit, but there are a long list of people who she’s sharing that honor with.


Someone needed to defend poor defenseless Russia and Trump and raid this next of neo-conservative hostility that is the BBS!


Nope, you listed Senator before First Lady; and you carefully avoided her actual day job of corporate lawyering. These are clearly significant “mistakes”.

And you’re campaigning, which is even less interesting than trying to demonstrate how a lot of people might not like her very much – what I was actually doing.

I think though that I’d argue that she helped make Bill Clinton into the politician he is. He’s got the charm and charisma, but I think it’s her with the political acumen that made him president in the first place.


Oh, I’m aware that I didn’t list them in order; that wasn’t by design, but more just assembling a mental list. Yes, she was also a lawyer with corporate and non-corporate clients. First woman hired to the law firm she worked at, Wikipedia tells me!

No, I’m responding to questions with facts. You’re calling names.


Really? Because many still blame him for the poor treatment of Anita Hill during her testimony in the Clarence Thomas Senate Judiciary advisory hearing.

If Hillary were a man, people would applaud her for her political acumen. Instead she’s being vilified for the things that got other male politicians elected: lawyer, law partner, board member, US Senator, and Secretary of State.

So your biggest bone of contention is that she happened to be a wife of a POTUS, and you believe that it was this role that rocketed her into her last two positions due to a pitty vote?

I have disagree. Whether you agree with her policies or not, she is by far one of the most well-qualified candidates ever, male or female. And I say this as someone who supported Bernie Sanders in my state’s primary.