Trump mocks Arnold Schwarzenegger's TV ratings; Arnold suggests they swap jobs

If the GOP had gone with the Zodiac Killer…

(although they’d have argued he was a natural born killer anyway).


Maybe they could bond over their shared history of getting away with groping women without their consent.


Arnold Schwarzenegger governed with the likes of Enron to bankrupt California. Rolling blackouts, collapsing infrastructure, anxiety about the future were some of the hallmarks of Arnie’s administration. Both Arnie and Donnie should shut the fuck up and let some rational adults make important decisions.


Subjugating women and minorities is what goes down with his base. A fundamentalist church is what you join if you want to shield your prejudices behind religious freedom. The rest is just window dressing.


Welcome to American politics. We make the right types of mouth farts about the separation of church and state, but then we have National Prayer Breakfasts like that’s a real thing.


All the twittering must be exhausting.


As with his tax returns, “…people don’t care about that anymore.”


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Did some long road trips through fundamentalist country last year, and on a lark tuned into so radio stations to see what they thought of the guy.

A recurring theme was that, although they didn’t like the guy particularly much, they were lining up behind him as the only way to get their people that represented their values into power.

That too. ha ha. The evangelical base likely won’t bat an eye if he starts Muslim concentration camps. At least, not until they start sending Christians there.


You’re thinking of John the Divine. He wasn’t in the Jesus Gang.


Most of the dickishness that I know about is to do with his illegitimate son from his housekeeper but that’s a pretty normal kind of foible for a rich dude and actor, really. Not saying it is cool but nowhere near Trump levels of asshole.

He was far from the worse governor we had in California (and better than the guy he replaced).




For the sake of accuracy the rolling blackouts caused by Enron’s shenanigans happened during Gray Davis’ term, which is part of why the opposition was able to muster enough anger to get the recall election in the first place.

The fact that it was actually California Republicans and not Davis who pushed for the energy company deregulation which allowed those blackouts to happen was forgotten by the time the recall election took place. Arnold’s personal, professional and financial connections with upper-management scumbags at Enron was likewise largely overlooked.


Why, for the love of dog, was drumpf talking about this at the the National Prayer Breakfast? Doesn’t he get the separation of church and TV at these events?


found it…California Uber Alles sung with Gov. Schwarzenegger

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Own the criticism.

Well apparently there was something else that he said at the prayer breakfast that was a little worse, and may be the reason the religious right cares not one whit about the idiocy highlighted here. It seems that he’s promised to end the Johnson amendment, the tax code provision that disallows church leaders from endorsing or opposing particular candidates.


Turnbull swears it didn’t happen like that…

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But he wants us all to cower in fear and LOVE HIM, TOO!!!


It was at the National Prayer Breakfast (unbelievably- but now all too believable)…

I think I can manage the first. The second is a little beyond me.

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