Originally published at: Trump muses that endorsing him may accelerate sea level rise | Boing Boing
He was right on the cusp of taking credit for Florida having access to both the sun and the ocean. No one thought it was possible for a single state to have both, but he did it.
Why do his speeches always sound like he’s talking to little children?
If he gets back into office, he’ll execute Lex Luthor’s plan from the first Superman movie.
Or himself. Just half-ass reasoning things out; performance art while he’s on stage grifting.
He could read a comic book, or Melville, and the money would still roll in.
Well, he is promising to ignore (and thus accelerate) climate change, so those sea levels will certainly rise with his help. Still not quite enough to get the ocean to Nevada, but closer.
Yeah, in a sense he really is just talking to himself out loud. All those tells, like “no one/few people know that…” when he’s talking about something he just learned. His stream-of-consciousness ramblings that no one else could really follow… Though he looks to see what things he said resonated with the audience, it’s also weirdly solipsistic.
He’s already promising to build entirely new cities and give families their own personal VTOL jets, so maybe moving the Pacific Ocean to Nevada isn’t that odd…
I would assume this is what little children talking to other little children sound like.
At this point we can rule nothing out.
In my experience little children love learning, and admit when they don’t know something yet, so sound nothing like Trump.
Not dissing children in any way.
Every Turmp speech to me sounds like those irritating Haribo adverts.
Another thing he has in common with Elon Musk: their visions of the future are a bunch of twentieth century science fiction cliches.
I hope Trump goes campaigning in Utqiaġvik this summer. It also has the ocean and the sun. Then leave him there and he can find out if that still works for him.
I think Donald Trump saw a documentary about this idea
Of course he would want to try it, he would get rid of woke California and get lots of new beach front property.
I hope Trump gets everything he deserves from the various investigations hounding him now.
And if his minions go apeshit, well, that’s still better than the alternative.
Wait, what? Aren’t large parts of Florida only not brackish swamp due to enthusiastic civil engineering? And also, quite a lot of it next to the sea? My brain hurts now, dammit.
ETA: AAAAAH, of course. He’s in Nevada talking about Florida cos that makes sense. Well, okay then.
Not only will you not have Lake Mead, all your groundwater will be salty, too!
The Gilded Turd getting reelected will confirm to all lovers of mankind that the irreversible decline of homo sapiens has indeed begun. The oceans will rise due to tears shed by those mourning the death of humanity.
Trump may be on to something, just seeing his photo accelerates my stomach bile to rise.
A Very Stable Genius