Trump NatSec advisor HR McMaster to resign. Fox News analyst John Bolton to replace

She likes the pay, she likes the attention, she likes the company she gets to keep. My guess is she has no fucks to give for what words have to come out of her mouth.



Same as that 55gal drum from Amazon. :joy:


I’m not even sure any of those things are true. By most accounts working in the Trump White House has been a hellish experience for everyone involved. (Not that they deserve better, of course.)


What about the Security Clearance angle?

Trump was forced to clean house on all the people without security clearance.

Reading this:

And then this:

I think that it’s an angle to try to prevent him from using John Bolton…


One way of being at least a bit hopeful:

The failsafe against Bolton is that he is a pathological egomaniac and will, within weeks, clash fatally with the other pathological egomaniac in the White House. Trump hates anyone who steals the very spotlight which Bolton craves. So the Walrus is likely to have a shorter tenure than McMaster…if we survive that long.


Didn’t his moustache get him rejected by Trump once before? How many personal attacks will John Bolton be able to take on his facial hair?

Maybe Trump’s lack of a mental filter and habit of going off script will save us for once.


I think dRumph brought Bolton on solely for the purpose of having a vicious barking dog on a leash when he goes to North Korea’s door. Bolton has been barking about first strike on NK for years.


So the solution is to talk loudly and frequently about JOHN BOLTON and how JOHN BOLTON is in charge of things and how much JOHN BOLTON has accomplished.

It’s depressing that it could really be that easy, although not as depressing as the prospect of Bolton being around long enough to do damage.


You both have hit the nail on the head with those answers to the deceptively complex question:

“Why aren’t you Americans doing something???”

At face value, what that question fails to take into account is the insidious, covert system of psychological conditioning the majority of American populace has been subjected for the last half century.

Ever since the 2nd world war ended, we have been intentionally manipulated by our government and big business conspiring together, via our media; there has been an ongoing, concerted effort to lull the citizenship into a state of complete stupidity, complacency and compliance… and as much as it sucks to say it, it worked.

Only recently with this newest form of media, the internet, has it become apparent just how well the Dumbening has worked and how susceptible we all are to being played.

The chains are on our minds now, and sadly, most of us don’t even know it.

That’s a deeply entrenched systemic problem, and there is no quick or easy solution.

Unfortunately, I agree; bad as they are, things are still not yet horrible enough to break the stupor which holds most of my fellow citizens in thrall, and that is what’s really scary…


OMG! The bb store needs you to create a baked goods section (with cannabis frosting like that, call it “Baked Good”). Feel free to mark them up to absurd prices so they can be marked back down to 78% off, we won’t complain!


If ‘the powers that be’ would be willing, then so would I…


Well seeing as Trumpy loves Putin, but the new Warmonger-in-Chief gets a hard-on just thinking about dropping bombs on Russia, it’s hard to tell. I do know that Putin said that he would press the button in an instant to defend Russia even if it meant the end of the world as there is ‘no point in a world without Russia’. On the other hand the W-i-C only needs to whisper that destroying Russia with bombs will effectively wipe out any ‘debts’ the orange twat has in those regions and it might seem to the odious leader that it could be an option …

She lives for the moment.


The same guys who’re always throwing shit on them in the dark.

(I’ll leave the readers to decide who the mushrooms might be, who’s keeping them in the dark and who’s shovelling shit, in any of the possible interpretations of this analogy. My favourite sound is that of an analogy breaking.)

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Now THAT would be discreet!


Anaaaalogy patch!

Anaaaalogy patch!

Anaaaalogy patch!


(Happy absurd Friday!)


Stop trying to harsh our mellow, yo;


Oh, 'shrooms! You should have said. :wink:

Yeah - the less talk of mushrooms, the better. They tend to cloud the issue, if you know what I meanfear.

(Oops, more mellow harshing. Deep apologies. And at times like these I also wish I wasn’t tee-total, what with the best whiskey being broken out all over.)


The current state of affairs is really a terrible time to be sober.


Yep. Sadly it does bad things to bits of my insides that I’d rather not also be suffering with at present. I’m dyspeptic enough as it is.
Other substances are available to be abused, thankfully.