Trump on Cruz: "Pussy"

Tempest, meet teapot.

Is there anything we didn’t already know, or that didn’t happen already in some variant?

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Which is weird for Trump, because usually he’ll just say something like, “The guy’s a pussy. I’d never say that, but the guy’s a pussy.” He’s done that a number of times, and it’s weird that he gets away with literally saying the thing that he swore he wouldn’t say - multiple times, even.

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I don’t know if it’s true - but I heard someone says that Donald Trump blows goats. I’m not saying it’s true - but the voters have a right to know. He needs to address it.


Really - guys who feel otherwise should just pledge to give them up.


And the so-called “press” and “lamestream media” (otherwise known more properly as the corporate media) that Donald and Sarah and other Republican clown-car passengers are always whining about being victimized by would lose their minds too.


it’s not weird. It’s brainwashing.


His followers are what’s truly scary, very scary indeed.


Not much of a surprise, that.

Are we to add ‘pussy’ to the ever growing list of banned and dangerous words?
Hmm. I can’t seem to find my list.

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Seriously? That headline? "Trump on Cruz: “Pussy” implies that Donald Trump said Ted Cruz was a pussy. He didn’t, he repeated what one of his mental midget supporters said and played it up to the cheap seats. Doesn’t Donald Trump do/say enough idiocy that we don’t need to exaggerate or make-up disingenuous headlines?

The BB community deserves better. How can this site expect to be taken seriously doing stuff like this? Drudge Report much?

I’m pretty sure it was Abe Lincoln. Or Albert Einstein. Or Socrates. SOMEbody poignant.

So true… some things cannot be unseen.

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Don’t objections to this word (like others) depend on context? Including who’s saying it? And often about whom they’re saying it?


(pssst…This was posted by Rob.)


Shouldn’t the headline be “Trump Supporter on Cruz: “Pussy””


Oh absolutely they do. Though I imagine the context here is ‘wimp’.
Words only have power if you pick them up and beat yourself with them.


You’re okay with Trump using gendered slurs by proxy?

He totally did say that, he just used the “I was only quoting what that other person said, I couldn’t possibly say it for myself” excuse.


If you’re a middle-class heterosexual white guy, then that’s all-too easy for you to say.

And why did you jump from hearing “Hey asshole, that word in that context is fucking obnoxious!” to hearing “Hey asshole, don’t you know that word is banned!”?


Early in his podcasting days, Dan Savage was called out for his derogatory use of the word ‘pussy’ by one of his own callers. He has since repented and seizes every opportunity to use—and encourage his followers to use—the word ‘scrotum’ as a fitting substitute.

No presidential candidate is more of a scrotum than Trump. The only thing thinner than that man’s hair is his skin.


Your ok with media twisting facts to get clicks? (Seewhutididthere?) I made no such claim or implication, so I won’t waste any more time responding to your assertion.

What makes you think I’m a middle-class heterosexual white guy?
Everyone has the power to shrug off an insult if it’s only verbal, despite upbringing, sexuality, class or race. It’s extremely liberating to brush-off an insult, and it can really bring you down if you pick it up and carry it with you.

The word in that context was not obnoxious, it was relatively tame. It’s others who seem to want to change the context.
It just feels like people are walking in mountains of garbage and worrying about the bottle tops. Like people who hate others smoking outdoors in a city full of pollution.