Trump on Cruz: "Pussy"

Absolutely. It may mark one as a dim-witted moron, I just don’t believe it necessarily marks one as a sexist.

By using a euphemism for women’s genitalia! If she meant a wimp, why not use that word instead of one that is used for women’s genitals? What’s so weak about women’s genitals… they push out babies. Not very weak and wimpy, if you ask me. If she’s not using pussy to mean women’s gentials, then what does she mean? Why is pussy = wimp in this case?

And when, in the American context, is that the context used? People still use it as a slur against gay men.


If she’s a Trump supporter I imagine there’s a great deal of loathing. Self and otherwise.


On that, at least, we are in total agreement! :wink:


I’ll second that. Although I know that we’re in agreement on many other things too.
Vive la difference.


Right! It’s nice to be able to disagree agreeably!


It’s the best way to disagree.


“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can make me think I deserved it.”


Agreed. But the result of that event is a discussion about a word that makes school kids snicker rather than the fact that a candidate for president has publicly stated that he supports crime.


But but, free speech!!

That’s become the go-to defense of lazy jackasses who don’t like it when others point out the consequences of injurious things they say.

Now Trump has his spokesperson out batting away any discussion of what he actually said this same way: “Donald Trump has single-handedly brought back free speech.”

IOW, never mind what he actually said, he’s like anyone else because everything everyone says everywhere is no problem, it’s all just free speech!


Your failure to examine why a female body part = “a wimp” is a failure to understand the true depths of systemic sexism.


Similarly “cotton-pickin’” used to be a racially-tinged insult even when applied to white people. (Not one of Yosemite Sam’s finer hours, BTW.)


Which is what I was attempting to say… :wink:


FUNFACT: Old Warner Bros. cartoons are a great source of education on this, especially from the angle of race. Half the insults out of most characters’ mouths are racially tinged - that was just the vernacular when they were created.

Totally! Not tryin’ ta steal your thunder, just adding a bit of lightning to it. :slight_smile:


You assumed that because I took umbrage with poor reporting that I was defending Trump’s idiotic behavior. How could your response be read any differently? There was no semantics involved. You apparently will not dissociate the bad reporting from the bad act. Trump did not call Cruz a ‘pussy’, at least not in the way the headline implied. What he did indeed do, was wink wink ask one of his cretin supporters to repeat the slur she shouted and then wink wink chastise her. Words matter, and twisting them to get clicks hurts credibility. Or should at least, if journalism is still a thing. I am not and did not defend Trump’s behavior. The man is sub-moronic, which is why these click-bait posts are beginning to chafe. The media created him and his candidacy, and continue to give him the crybaby attention he demands every time he says something bigoted, sexist, hateful, etc.

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Plus Sam was just an asshole most of the time.


Yes. I know older people who still use “cocksucking” the same way, often in the same breath. Hopefully “pussy” to describe supposedly feminine and undesirable weakness will fade away just as steadily as those two clearly are.


Totally! It’s nice to get some back up here!


And your failure to grasp that the word ‘pussy’ does not solely relate to female genitalia is a failure to understand the basics of English and its evolution.

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Even people who enjoy receiving blowjobs.

Personally I think cocksuckers should be saluted as the amazing, selfless heroes they are. I can never seem to find a Valentine’s Day card with a message to that effect, though.