Trump on the UK: "They call it Great Britain. They used to call it England, different parts."

“United States. . . they used to call it America. . . different parts.”


Hmmm, I wonder what a real estate con man who came to prominence in the late 70’s and 80’s could have done that might lead to decreased cognitive ability and poor decision making?


I wonder what a population that voted this guy into office in the late 10’s could have done that might lead to decreased cognitive ability.


45: “Make America Great Again!”
Advisor: “Well we’re not really doing anything for South America, are we?”
45: “But they love me in Alabama best numbers EVER! No president has ever won Alabama before!”
Advisor:" I meant South America, like Brazil, or Chile."
45: “Oh you mean South America like Mexico? Bunch of shithole rapists!”
Advisor: “No Mexico is part of North America.”
45: “Like Canada? Bunch of limp wrists don’t want our milk. Obama couldn’t sell them milk, I will.”

It is almost impossible to suppress the urge to form complete sentences in an effort to write “trumpspeak.”


The Queen is in her 90s, right? What more can she do in her life? I only wish she had done humanity a huge favor and pulled out a gun and shot Trump. She would certainly be even more loved by United Kingdomians than she is now, and 60% of The Colonists. What’s the worst that could happen to her?


We’ll need to revise this map to include the Crown dependencies, whose political, cultural, and geographic statuses I can never quite figure out.


I was probably in my 30s before feeling like I understood the relationships between the various nations and the various names involved. Probably mostly because it seemed unfathomable that there could be so much going on in such a small space compared to the US. And I think it really only came on my radar when Scottish and Welsh devolution started to make waves in the international news.


His mental decline is the best. None better. Yuge.

To be fair, if he was shown a map with that many circles, he would just wonder off. Mentally, if not physically.


Trump’s mother was Scottish. She surely would have done her best to make him understand the difference between England and Britain.The fact that she failed suggests that he is indeed very stupid.


Right there we have proof positive that his (frequent) use of “a lot of people don’t know that” means, “I just found out.” We can literally see the process.

Ignorance is when you’ve never learned something. When someone educates you, over and over, and you still don’t know it, it’s stupidity. So yeah, he’s ignorant but he’s stupid too.

Yeah, it does go far beyond willful ignorance. Extreme willful stupidity, maybe. (Because some of it is obviously natural stupidity, but it clearly goes beyond that, too.)

He was desperately racking his brain trying to think of a single thing the UK produces, but couldn’t. He finally settled on agriculture, which he probably thought was safe, but is somewhat hilarious given how little the UK exports to the US. (The US’s only real significant agricultural import from the UK is… whiskey.)

It also assumes they had any sort of relationship.


And the other caveat that the Isle of Man is not part of Great Britain or the United Kingdom


I thought that was the ancient Japanese art of simple, yet esthetic ornamental island-arranging.

My bad.


Ah, if only he were infected with leucochoridium paradoxum. Then he perhaps climb into a tree to be preyed upon by birds…

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haha I love it!

If I can attempt, at great risk to my personal health and reputation, to briefly channel my inner Trump, I think when he confronts new data, his only criteria are: How does this benefit me, right now? Does this data… make me more money, increase my social status, harm my enemy’s social status, allow me to achieve sexual climax?

If the answer is Yes, the data safely passes his censor and is allowed to enter his brain.
If the answer is No, the censor roughly shunts off this completely useless data.


Thing is, he’s not actually wrong.

People call it Britain.

Well, we do. It’s probably the most commonly used name for the UK among its inhabitants, much as “America” is probably the most common name for the US among those who live there. Even the Guardian style guide accepts it:

Britain, UK
These terms are synonymous: Britain is the official short form of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

They call it Great Britain.

While using “Great Britain” for the UK is technically incorrect, as many have pointed out already, that doesn’t mean it’s not in common use. Maybe not as common as it once was, but Tory politicians in particular are still fond of it. Our Olympic team is called Team GB, our ISO 3166-1 country codes are “GB” and “GBR”, when we go driving on the continent we stick “GB” stickers on our cars, and for a long time IANA kept up the pretence that .gb was our real top-level domain in the hope that we’d give up using the .uk grandfathered in from JANET.

They used to call it England

Again, they did. English people have had the not-undeserved reputation among the Welsh, Scots and Irish for loosely thinking of the whole UK as “England” (e.g., in one of Christopher Brookmyre’s novels, an English character refers to Glasgow as being in England, and somehow survives the scene with all their teeth). Long after the union with Scotland, other Europeans would commonly refer to the UK as a whole as Angleterre, Inglaterra, etc., much as Britons and Americans would commonly refer to the USSR as “Russia”. Brenda is the “Queen of England” much more often than she is the “Queen of Britain” or “Queen of the UK”. And “Anglo-” was the standard combining prefix for things involving the UK (e.g., the Anglo-Irish War, the Anglo-German Naval Agreement), and hasn’t really had a satisfactory replacement.

different parts

Yeah, no idea. Word salad.


and the Isles of Scilly, which were technically at war with The Netherlands for 335 years because someone forgot they existed.


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.


Maybe it was a Marvel X-Men style evolution, but his powers fell somewhere near the tip of the shit end of the scale.

Ladies and gentlemen… I give you… the President of the United States of America.