Trump on verge of conceding in Rose Garden speech, changes mind mid-sentence

Oh no.
Not me.
I never lost control.
Your face - to - face,
With the man who sold the world.


Pathetic how the republican’s MO hasn’t changed in 140 years. Lie, deflect and lay blame on opposition. Rich white privileged spoiled brats pretending to be men and runing the show. FFS. It is no wonder they love sucking on the Donald’s nuts, he’s the poster child for the party’s spirit.


For all our grand debates about the Turmp crisis, at the root of it all is just how sad and pathetic it is. He knows he lost, he knows he’s lying about it to whip the rubes into a frenzy, and he’s not even good at lying by fifth-grade standards. But no matter how hard he fucks up, people have to believe there’s more to him, because the alternative – that he’s exactly what he seems – would shatter their world.

It’s boneheaded, and sad, and humiliating for a lot of people, and it doesn’t illuminate any of the issues that really matter, but I honestly think there is nothing more urgent than grokking that in 2016, America elected Pigasus as its leader.

People couldn’t face it when he was president – it was too much – but hopefully, when he keeps himself in the public view as a mere talking head, the scales will fall from a lot of eyes.


who knows which administration it will be

Oooh, Sir, Sir!, I know Sir! I know!


The guy owes hundreds of millions of $ to debtors (RU oligarchs) who don’t exactly play by the rules. He now has no way to repay them, even if he liquidated all of his assets. Trying to hide in Russia would be almost suicidal.

(armchair speculation; we’ll find out after the SDNY is done)


Substitute “seatbelts” for “lockdowns” in your comment and it will be equally valid. There is no question that lock downs have horrible consequences. Victims of domestic abuse, substance abuse and neglect suffer more than others and are absolutely at risk. We have lost a quarter of a million souls to this so far, and it is accelerating. There is no medical cavalry coming for months. Avoiding contracting the disease is literally the only thing we can do right now. I am speaking as a doctor. An overworked, exhausted, stressed out doctor. And I am a pediatrician. The ED docs, the ICU docs, the infectious disease docs have it far far worse. Nurses have it far far worse. If it is not worth doing for yourself, then do it to protect the ones trying to keep us alive. We are buckling under this, and if we break, you have no idea how bad it could get.


Extra :heart: :heart: :heart:


This. Much of the manufacturing for the big pharma companies is also 3rd party. Some of the big ones do zero R&D or manufacturing. They are just big marketing/sales orgs.


Second-generation immigrants, but yes. They’re on record as saying they don’t want this to be spun as an immigrant success story because they believe that their personal history has little to do with their professional success, and they’d prefer not to be cast as “role models”.

They both grew up in Germany and trained as medical professionals here, so their plight is a lot different from that of recent refugees from places like Syria (some of whom may also be medical professionals by training but who may have a much harder time getting their feet on the ground).


Yeah, forgive be for slightly straining the concept. I’m definitely not into the biodeutsche bullshit, but I can’t help rubbing it in on every right-wing idiot worldwide, including our current minister of interior affairs, that the company now everyone except someone who allegedly is proud of his pfälzer heritage sitting in D.C. looks at in high hopes of deliverance (SCNR) and refers to as “German” is run by people who likely were confronted with systemic racism their whole lives because they are immigrants. Second generation immigrants, that is. I can do with clarifying this, after rubbing it in.


While I’m not actually sure he’ll leave the country, I could see him in some place like Dubai or Doha. I suspect he’s smart enough to avoid going someplace where Putin has power, even if he has essentially been a Putin stooge for the last four years (or longer).

What I think is more likely is that he uses his lawyers to push off any attempt to punish him. He’ll probably try to pardon himself on the way out the door, and working that through the courts will buy him some time. He’ll avoid state charges by staying in Florida.

It won’t work forever, but he won’t live forever, either. There’s also a good chance he has or will develop Alzheimer’s like his father had, in which case his lawyers could use that to his advantage in keeping him out of jail.

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Maybe he’ll stand up next to Biden, pull off his Trump mask, and it will all turn out to have been an unbeleivable, “Now You See Me”/“Mission:Impossible” style scam all along.


There’s no way Qatar would let him in.


It seems unlikely Trump will end up anywhere where he would have to file lawsuits in a foreign language


As long as he can speak to his lawyers in English that’s not a problem. He never reads anything anyway.


It’s highly unlikely that he’ll even be alive another four years, let alone forty. Even if he doesn’t die from cheeseburger induced cardiac arrest, his own bloviated, egomaniacal behavior will destroy him from within.


“Please give me a pardon,
I didn’t concede in the Rose Garden.”


Half the time, English seems like a foreign language to him. He can barely make any coherent sense in it.


Speaking as a family member of others infected with this horrible ailment, I don’t wish this upon anyone. I also think he’s already in the early stages which is unsurprising.

On an unrelated note, Terry Pratchett, RIP. Too soon.


Everyday I wake up glad that I’m not that MOTHERFUCKER.