Trump: "People of faith" led the "abolition of civil rights"

Hey, he’s right. People of faith are trying to strip women, LGBT people, immigrants and others of their equal rights, and they’ve done so since the start of the Republic. Any progress in gaining civil rights has been done in spite of, and in conflict with, those people of faith.

Look at the mountain of justifications of slavery using the Bible - people of faith were crucial in the institution and continuation of slavery in the US.

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We all remember the Reverend MLK Jr and his fight against civil rights.:roll_eyes:

Seriously, while there is a lot of progress still to be made, people of faith, black and white, were vital to the Civil Rights movement.

People of faith have always been on both sides of every major conflict.

And, not so major: both football teams pray to their god(s) in the locker room for victory in the game.


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