Trump promises "some form of punishment" for women who have abortions after it is banned

You’d think so, wouldn’t you? Unfortunately a lot of Trump supporters just don’t seem to think that clearly, supporting him even when he has directly stated that he’s specifically against their best interests.

This American Life ran a segment back in February where Zoe Chace interviewed an eighteen-year-old Trump supporter who happens to be both black and proudly gay. She actually interviewed him several times over the course of a few weeks. Initially he was a supporter because he was under the impression that Trump supported gay marriage. Once it became painfully clear that this simply was not the case, he started defending Trump with statements like “… he’s just saying it to say it because he needs to get the votes.”

Oddly enough, I’m reminded of some of the statements I’ve heard from abuse victims when justifying their abusers behavior. This was honestly a very painful episode to listen to, although I did move from considering Alex to be painfully stupid to something closer to having pity for him.


Have you ever done a hallucinogen, and tripped so hard that you had no recollection of reality? Like you couldn’t remember it ever being any different, so you think it must always have been like “this”?

But also, everything is so fucking bizarre that you feel like it’s not really real? Everything is super weird, but without context, so you just go with whatever comes flooding out of your mind? And whatever pours out feels extraordinarily brilliant and perfect? There are other people around, but your perceived experience is solipsistic in the extreme. Every other thing but your own mind is just flashy lights and weird sounds.

Have you ever been there? I’m not admitting anything for myself, but I think Trump is having one of those experiences, and we are about to be collateral damage when he comes down, still kind of tripping and believing his experience is more important than every other molecule of the universe.


Donald Trump wants to punish women who have abortions, but America is already being punished because Donald Trump’s mother did not have an abortion.


Well, now even the backward hellhole of the English speaking world, Ireland, is having to start thinking about abortion, contraception and sexual health issues, what country will act as a refuge for the unfortunate knuckle-draggers if Trump or Cruz don’t drag the US kicking and screaming into the 14th century?


I kind of get the idea that he’s trying to find out just how far is TOO far. Does he really want to win? Or is he just fucking with us?


There’s a point I’ve made about Cruz, Huckabee, Rubio and the rest when they’ve made goddamned stupid claims to pander to the wingnuts:

When an actor says, “I’m not a submoronic wingnut; I just play one on TV”, that’s perfectly believable and acceptable. There’s a clear divide between the acting and the reality.

There’s no such divide when politicians say “I’m not a submoronic wingnut; I just play one to get votes.” You MUST take them at face value. You MUST assume that their policies and beliefs stated on national TV - even unintentionally, as in the case of Mitt Romney’s 47% wingnuttery - are the policies and beliefs they’ll use to run the country.


I think he’s too egotistical and vainglorious to quit, even if he knows he’ll never win.


Now you know why so many Republicans oppose both abortion and contraception. Their parents might have availed themselves of the option.

I’ve been trying, non-existent God knows I’ve been trying, to see the conservative point of view over the years. But now I’ve faced up to the fact that they don’t want to extend the compliment to anybody else; quite the reverse. Conservatives love to use the term “Existential threat” (because they don’t know what “existentialism” means and they think it sounds better than “threat to the existence”). Nuclear-armed Israel has politicans who love to talk about existential threats to their existence which don’t really exist. Their US equivalents like to promote Russia as such a threat (but not China, which really could be, because cheap manufacturing.) Well, “conservative” politicians are an existential threat to the human race, and I don’t mean in the “eats baguettes and ponders the nature of reality” sense. And I take back what I said earlier. Trump is just as bad as Cruz.


You are onto something here.

Mental health trauma from, say, intimate partner violence is sometimes associated with similar —apparently irrational — behaviors.


Or can’t stop himself?


or lost a bet? or (maybe more in character) tries to win a bet?


He wants to win a popularity contest.

He does give a fuck about the country he wishes to run… But not as much as he cares about his hair, or if the people around him are respecting him, or if people are saying shit on Twitter.

He wants the country to know that his dick is normal sized. More than he wants us to know about his policies.

And there’s a reason why everything he says is backed up with no facts. There’s no facts behind it because it’s not a plan. It’s a series of things that poll well with voters.

Plus a tax cut for the rich… Because they’re already having to not actually ever pay too much.

They need to not pay less.



I do agree wholeheartedly. It just may be that these folks suffer from such low self esteem that they see Drumpf as their “deliverer” from whatever ails them. Never quite aware that they are going full steam into the arms of the very thing that does cause the problems/issues in life.

I need a drink after that 'ah ha" moment.


I heard that segment. This was the kid with the adoptive parents that were big Cruz supporters, wasn’t it?


I wonder what an Existentialist threat would sound like… “You be careful or you’ll be trapped in an unintelligible, world sized prison devoid of God, eternal truths, or values, and shackled by a freedom whose only meaning is its meaninglessness.”


Honestly? I don’t see this as being different from what most Republican politicians would actually want to say. They just know that there’s enough people who would punish them at the polls for saying it.

Up to now, of course. The cracks in the dyke of far-right politics are there now, and it appears that there’s a whole lot of crazy just waiting to pour out.


You mean there was another option?!? Shit. :smiley:


That’s less scary than out of control. But absent compelling evidence for a less simple explanation, he’s just out of control.

He’s an impulsive, out-of-control person whose behavior is simultaneously demonstrating the lack of normal social controls and accountability for every overgrown, entitled rich kid in the country.

He’s horrifying to wealth people who love trade deals that are mostly shitty for people who actually work to pay their rent.

He’s horrifying to people who live on dividends and bond payments partly because he’s letting the cat out of the bag: There’s no off switch on this guy.

No one knows if there are limits to how much more harm he can do.

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