Trump’s declining mental acuity on display

And look what shape that took.






True. But it’s also a setup for not debating in the fall… Which strategically he should want to do in normal circumstances.

Exactly, in his distorted addled brain, he’s still sometimes running against Hillary, or even against Obama (despite never actually doing so).

As a brown, vocal, educated cishet woman whose tolerance for lies is exactly zero, this proposal…

To rectify this problem, I propose a 2024 resolution for politically engaged Americans: Go to a Trump rally. Not as a supporter or as a protester, necessarily, but as an observer. Take in the scene. Talk to his fans. Listen to every word of the Republican front-runner’s speech. This might sound unpleasant to some; consider it an act of civic hygiene.

… sounds patently unsafe for me and my kind.

Do I have the guts, the courage, to attend one of these rallies? Yes.
Would I go alone to such a rally? No.
Is this about calculated risk vs uncalculated risk? Yes.
Does the author of this article assume a certain set of privileges his readers have? Yes.

Does the author truly believe that any dialogue worthy of the term can be had, in an honest and authentic way, at such a rally?

What do you think, folks?

Rachel Maddow, on her current book tour, has said in recent interviews that we need to interact with various MAGAs in our own communities, so that (I am paraphrasing) they see people like me as human, not vermin.

Maddow’s suggestion sounds more doable because it is more one-on-one, as opposed to strolling into a crowd of angry, disappointed, potentially violent and likely armed MAGAs at a dang rally where emotions are going to be manipulated even more than usual.


This is a much better idea… especially if it’s a family member or co-worker or an acquaintance that knows you and cares for you.


A photograph of the author:

from here.


That’s a very important point, and one that I, for example, had not thought about. (I wouldn’t go to a Trump rally, for myriad reasons, but if I did, I wouldn’t stand out in ways that might make it unsafe for me.)

Thank you for the reminder that the stakes, and risks, are much higher for some people than for others.


“Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me” seems to be missing from their version of the Bible.


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