Trump’s handlers are afraid he can’t STFU

Episode 1 Premiere GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race

I’m finding the bit of “concern” in the comments here a little… weird. Like, do people think that a Black woman who has risen to the position she has in the US isn’t fully prepared for someone like Trump? Like… Do they KNOW what Black women have to deal with on a daily fucking basis just to go about their day?

Yep. He’s already trying. He knows he’s gonna look awful next to her…


Kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. He goes to the debate and Harris wipes the floor with him. He worms out of it, and Harris’s social media team wipes the floor with him.


If Trump’s mic is muted when it is not his turn, I would like to see the following:

  1. A recording is still make of all the mics, just not released in real time.
  2. The folks at SNL get a copy of the recordings, and start “filling in the blanks” with the original dialog, or something wholly new to expose his follies.

This is similar to an old (HBO) comedy program Not Necessarily The News (1982-1990) where during parts where Congressional defendants are briefed by their counsel, and the resulting “whispers” are reconstructed and over-dubbed onto the audio of the program.


As long as someone finally wipes the floor with that jackass enough that he’s out of the public eye for good… Let the courts tear him apart.


you know - off topic, but please consider -
after “wiping the floor with tRump…”
who is going to wipe up that toxic, biohazard, brown swipe afterward?
i shudder at the noxious thought! :face_vomiting:

edit: to make absolutely clear what was meant by “brown swipe”…
well, shit, y’all!
if one were to literally “wipe the floor with him…”
oh, never mind. :sigh:


oooh! Will the ABC moderators have the power to find Trump in contempt and lead him away in chains?!


He probably thinks he can try the same bully tactics he attempted to use on Hillary. They didn’t work then, and they certainly won’t work now. He probably thinks he can Gish gallop her like he did to Biden and she’ll fold like a Trump-branded suit. It’s not gonna happen.

I have no doubt that with Harris’ lived experience as a Black woman and prosecutor of some seriously heinous people that a jamoke like Trump won’t phase her at all.

He simply has no idea what he’s in for. Or maybe he does, which is why he’s trying to manufacture some reason to skip the debates yet again.


I hope the only river he would be able to cross is Styx or its equivalent across cultures.

Even then, hell would still reject his entry.


Jada Pinkett Smith Periodt GIF by Red Table Talk


I could be wrong of course, but I think there is a very slim chance that Trump shows up for the debate. I think he knows he’s outmatched and the bully technique is not going to work in his favor this time. Or if he doesn’t understand that, I would bet his handlers get it.

Not to mention that he is going to go up against someone who understands how to debate and think on her feet. It’s not just a matter of spitting out talking points. She will wipe the floor with his nonsense and make him look small and weak and petty. Either way, he loses.


Yeah that’s more accurate. I’m not “afraid” a pop star rolling into my venue will have a fuckton of lights and video and maybe a band that you can look at. I know it as a near- certainty. Perhaps there was a time when Trump was capable of shutting up and not spewing total bullshit, but it’s not been something to worry about so much as expect.


Over my way we colloquially call them “skid marks.” :wink:


I think Trump wants to be able to lie without interruptions from Harris. He lies so much that by the time she gets to speak he’ll have told too many lies for her to be able to address them all.


I maintain this may be Biden’s finest moment. I’m not a guffawer, but I busted a guffaw when this happened. I wish people would say this to Trump on a regular basis.


Yup, aka “Gish Gallop.” Il Douche’s one and only debate strategy. “Flood the field with bullshit.”


Almost never has a politician so precisely represented the feelings of their constituents.


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