Trump said to Bob Woodward he intentionally downplayed coronavirus threat

Maybe he’ll save us all the trouble and just defect to Russia. Another first for Trumpy! No other American President defected to avoid getting punishment for his crimes.


Interesting since Deep Throat was strictly Woodward’s contact.


Yep, supposedly so. I think my father was trying to say Bernstein did most of the overall work, but I’m not really sure. Remember, this is the grumbling of a man who admits he hates Woodward ^^’. I do personally know, however, that Woodward isn’t well-liked, at least among his former WaPo colleagues.


What is the ultimate punishment for treason again?


As much as I would love and expect to see this in a functioning democracy, it will never happen: the politicians will protect their own and the shitty system they have created to enrich themselves. Politricks, man.


Well, he has a sweet deal. He’s still on staff and he is only responsible for writing books, so I can understand that the resentment. I believe both Woodward and Bernstein worked their way up the food chain, but Bernstein never finished college so there may be a bit of reverse snobbery by some colleagues (not meaning your dad).

I have a very good friend who used to work for the Los Angeles Times (took a buyout so she freelances now) and she did a year internship at WaPo. She said that while she was there, there was a godly reverence from the staff for the Holy Trinity (Bernstein, Woodward and Bradlee).


And this is also over a span of a many-decades-long career. Maybe he WAS an asshole and hated, but simply got over it ^^’. Again, My father admits he hates Woodward, so the bias is clear, but he also knows a lot of pretty incredible stuff about DC culture that turned out true, one way or another, so… Take that as you will.


I’d buy you a beer anyway, but you don’t get one for that easy prediction ^^’.

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Those weasel words about an emerging disease should have set off alarms that focused significant attention as further reports came in Jan & Feb. The time frame when Trump, who we now know for certain knew better, was downplaying it.

WTF do we have early warning systems if we just ignore them?

While I am generally pleased with how Canada has handled COVID-19, we could have down a lot better. We learned some things from SARS, but then forgot some things. Maybe we should right these ideas down this time?


I love that Trump’s minders are now all arguing with each other about whose fault it is for “letting” Trump talk to Woodward, as if the President of the United States was an unattended toddler who got into the cleaning supplies under the sink.

When the first excerpts dropped Wednesday – moments before the press secretary was set to go before reporters – blame was immediately cast inside the West Wing over who let Trump talk to Woodward 18 times in audio that was recorded.




Interesting. I’ve always understood it as “once” is my bad because I should know better. “2nd time” is your bad for taking advantage of me.

Now that I write it down, seems kinda dumb. But then, I’m not a outlaw, biker, or criminal.

I mean, sure, 190,000 people are dead, but can you imagine how many people would have died if there had been a mass panic! We’re talking about, like, dozens of people who could have died!


One could argue that the early warning system had been heard in January.

I pointed out the German Podcast with Christian Drosten several times on the BBS. He is one of the eminent experts on the subject of Corona viruses, and has done a podcast since February 26th. The transcript has over 400 pages now.

Early warning did work. We chose not to listen to experts.

FTR, the experts, including Drosten, changed their position on measures several times based on updated information, as the scientific community does. The experts (from various disciplines, and not only sciences but also humanities) also still argue about many details. And yes, contingency plans existed, in writing. The one linked is in German. US ones exist, too.

It all boils down to if you choose to downplay it despite better knowledge, or if you don’t.

And we heard the answer for the US. Loud and clear. Even without Woodward’s help:



Yeah, I’m all Claude Rains about this, too.


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Eventually, we’ll find out the guy who nominated him did so because Trump had Kompromat on him. The US archive of international espionage must be vast, I’m guessing Trump found someone the spooks have on tape banging a sheep.

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Waitttttt. This is all messed up. The original is: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” It’s introspective. If you fool me a second time, then I was asleep and didn’t learn from the first time, therefore shame on me.

Unless you are all fooling around and deliberately trying to mess up this old saying. In that case… Shame on me!!!


Any populace worth its salt would have a different president by now.