Trump says if he wins, we won't need to vote anymore

is he leaning hard into being the anti-christ now? Will he explain to the christians that they need to vote him into power to fulfill biblical policy?


I know the Olympics are on, but there’s no need to tie yourself into knots to interpret T****’s fascism as non-fascism.

Laurie Hernandez Latina GIF by Latinx Heritage

He said what he said and it was very clear that he meant there wouldn’t be any more elections if he wins.

  1. Standalone, he’s telling them that if he wins, he will enact unpopular (by polls) things that wont be un-voted later. The only way that can happen is if there are no votes, or only the right people can vote.
  2. His statements don’t have to be analyzed alone. He’s said similar things many times over the years, and this is consistent with them.
  3. When someone speaks, the onus is on them to say what they mean. If he didn’t mean what seems obvious, it’s up to him to retract or explain it. I won’t hold my breath, and it’s not my job to find nice ways to interpret him.

Is it just me, or at the 18 second mark or so he says, “I’m n-aa Christian.” Like it’s clear he views Christians as a “them” not a “we” by the way he talks. Then he remembers he’s supposed to be a Christian, and his brain blips when trying to say a lie that he too is a Christian.

Anyway, yeah, you can be generous in your interpretation on what he meant and how he clumsily said it, But to be honest, not having to vote again because they will get everything they want is nearly as bad as just not having any more elections.

Remember to vote in your House and Senate elections too.


Not quite, he views Christians as “mine”.


He is clearly ambiguous, teases them, and weaves weasel words into his rhetoric to mock and identify with everyone in and beyond his audience. And the result… It’s been said already. He’s going to follow the letter of the law to abolish everyone’s rights and freedoms.

[Trump as dictator GIF]


He’s straight-up saying he’s going to be a dictator who will destroy American democracy. There’s no other way of reading this. He’ll “fix” America so good, no one will be able to undo it, i.e. democracy will no longer work, (and given the context in which he’s saying this, presumably the government will forever be in the thrall of a Xianist theocracy). The statement, that you’ll never have to worry about voting again, simply does not make sense within a democracy, and even Trump very well knows that.

I keep thinking of a Trump-supporting aunt I have. When my mother spoke to her, and pointed out Trump said he’d be a dictator, her defense was, “Well, he only said that one time.” As if only saying it once meant he wasn’t serious. Well, he’s said it a lot more than once, now.

Well, there’s ambiguity - either he’ll abolish elections, or they’ll still exist, but won’t do anything (because all real power will be held by unelected entities). But either way, he’s promising the end of democracy.

For Trump supporters, it follows the same old pattern…
“He’s not saying he’s going to be a dictator. What’s that? He did say he’s going to be a dictator? Well, Trump being a dictator is good, actually.”

That’s exactly what he’s saying, though. How do you “fix” issues (where his “fix” is other people’s “broken”) and stop other people, in the future, from changing them back? By destroying democracy (one way or another). That would be the only reason why his voters wouldn’t have to worry about voting ever again. He understands this - and talks about it. There’s no other interpretation - you don’t need to puzzle it out, what he’s saying is premised on it, it doesn’t make sense otherwise.

It’s not about logic or policy, though - it’s purely about his instinctual approach to politics (i.e. authoritarianism). He’s outright stating, “I’m going to change policy and the government in ways such that it can’t be changed back.” Sure, he’s not saying how he’s going to do it, but that part doesn’t really matter, because what he’s describing is the end of democracy.


Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon


looks like we’d better Stop the Steal!


There are certain groups and people who merit examining and exploring their statements and possibly giving the benefit of the doubt. People who lie continuously, go back on promises, abuse and insult others lose that doubt. Trump is a prime example of this, he merits no benefit of doubt, his actions and motives are clear, the onus is on him to convince reasonable people he meant otherwise.

Why are you so invested in giving him an out?


I said he’s reprehensible and wants to end democracy so I don’t think I gave him an out.

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago


Am I the only one thinking that if/once he loses he will then grandstand about how he sacrificed himself by being such an obvious asshole because he knew this is what America needed to right itself…AFAF :wink:

Sarcastic Chicago Fire GIF by NBC

The law has letters, what he’s going to do has letters. They’re the same letters, same letters everywhere. (/s)


I don’t think that’s within his capability. It would mean actually admitting he lost, and he can’t do that.


What Trump said implied that either there would be no elections or the elections would be so completely rigged that the Republicans would win even if no Republican voters bothered to vote. Any other interpretation is giving Trump an out.


What I was thinking – granted rather tongue-in-cheek – was that he could turn a defeat (please let it be a defeat!) into ‘see-what-I-sacrificed-for-you!’ situation in much the same way he turned his defeat by Biden into ‘stolen election’.

To be clear, Trump eventually admitted he lost the election and on more than once ocassion.

given what happened the last time he lost, we’ll be lucky if he only tries to grandstand.

hopefully he’s shuffled off the mortal coil by the next election so we don’t have to keep doing this every four years


we need to take the plain language of what trump says literally and seriously. dictators tell you exactly what is on their mind.