Trump sending more armed agents to more U.S. cities, Bill Barr winks

So, let me explain the flaw with liberal thinking.

They say “we need guns in case the government tries to infringe on our rights”.

The problem is that we mistakingly think “rights” is the operative word there, when in fact the key word is “our”. Your rights and mine have never been a concern for them.

Again, you are under the misconception that he would care.


Trump’s Gestapo leaked rumors they would be carrying live ammunition tonight. According to reporters we talked to the crowds were at least as big as they were the last couple nights, somewhere in the thousands


My god, Reuters. Why would you just accept their excuse like that? Isn’t it journalism’s job to at least stay neutral (if not actively challenge power structures?). And the sad thing is this probably wasn’t even on purpose. It’s just lazy writing.


You know of the theory of gasoline lead being a leading cause of the crime wave of the 1970s until the 1990s? Well, these two thugs look like typical cases of lead-induced brain damage leading to aggressiveness. That’s why they delude themselves into thinking they are starring in a Death Wish sequel.

They are not competent. They need to be removed from office as soon as possible, before they hurt others.


They’re going to tackle that violence. They’re going to punch that violence. They’re going to shoot that violence.


Well, good on Ted Wheeler, my Mayor. I’ve never been a fan, but he showed up and talked to a really hostile crowd. Then, when the gas and flashbangs started he stood his ground and got teargassed with the rest of us.

Trump’s Gestapo have been targeting Riot Ribs which has been giving free food to the homeless, busting things up and pepper spraying the food. They’ve also been dousing the medic tents with OC and targeting press and medics. Tonight was no different.


tl;dr Federal law says that unconfirmed “acting” department heads can only be in place for 250 days. Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf has been in place for longer than that.


They have arguably failed to follow the Reuters guidelines on covering the Trump administration, which implicitly boil down to writing as if you are covering a dictatorship. The memo specifically says “Give up on hand-outs and worry less about official access.”, which surely means not taking what the administration says at face value.


In addition to the fact that the numbers are always, always bogus, I find it confusing that we are to believe success is measured by “arrests”. Shouldn’t it be a lower crime rate? Or at worst convictions?

They could wander around catch-and-release arresting people all day and have spectacular arrest numbers. In the process they would probably shoot a lot of people who “resisted arrest” but never did anything to warrant arrest.

Is that what we pay law enforcement for?


One might wonder, “Chicago? Why Chicago?”

THE ACTUAL ANSWER: Trump is sending federal troops to defend a statue of Christopher Columbus


We always write our lawyer’s phone number on our arms before we go to one of these things. Tonight my wife looked at me and said “Not your greatgrandfather’s numbers-on-the-arm. Should I not have said that?”

“No,” I said. “You probably shouldn’t have.”


I wonder if he is prepared to what is coming out of this.
Police de-escalating violence? No way. US citizens surrendering to a fascist police state resembling the one their grandparents fought against in WWII? No way as well.
He’s not going to backpedal anytime soon, however as he started to wear masks after overwhelming evidence that they’re of help, maybe, just maybe, after a few hundred demonstrators are murdered by his private police, he’ll recall his thugs, de facto bringing back the clock by a couple months but accomplishing nothing: police still violent, George Floyd still dead, along with a lot more people, president still most hated man. And people still protesting; asking them to stop doesn’t work, so gotta send special forces. Rinse, repeat.

Unless his goal from day one was to ignite a civil war in which the minorities he wants to get rid of, very conveniently, are also the less armed.


He’d be tickled pink. If around November, during an unrestrained pandemic, a few of the biggest urban areas of the U.S. had running gun battles with federal troops in the street, he could declare martial law and suspend the election indefinitely.

The insane part is, if this were reversed, and it was a Democrat sending troops into Republican dominated areas, there would be no question as to whether there would be civil war. The Don’t Tread On Me crowd would have already been shooting federal troops wholesale, proudly posting selfies of themselves doing it.


They really wanted to provoke violence out of Portland. They didn’t get it, so they settled for pretending they did (“violent anarchists graffitied thus-and such.”)

Trump having not gotten the reaction he wanted out of Portland (but it also not having gone badly enough to stop him), now he’s fishing around.


Tremendously. Many people are saying this is the greatest response to violence. I can tell you it’s never been tried before, the Democrat party (I call them the They Didn’t Do Anything Good Party) has never tried it, that I can tell you. It’s why we’re winning.


They should have at least put it in quotation - to “tackle violence”.


They will inflict as much violence as needed- and more- until violence ceases.


Only it won’t cease.

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Though admittedly it’s more of a bitter satire than a joke.


Albuquerque? SRSLY?

I know this is a silly question in the current environment, but deaths? The only deaths of note in Albuquerque are from Covid-19. We’re averaging about five per day lately; New Mexico is one of the less dangerous places on that front thanks to our Governor (yea!) Lujan Grisham, who got a team of experts together to plan and implement a shutdown early and get widespread testing spooled up as soon as the means appeared.

Hmmmm. Latina Democratic Governor in a blue State which is majority minority. Did what POTUS should have done and got better results. Hard lock down in March, mandatory masks from the beginning and to this day, and (since we’re between plague States Texas and Arizona) recent travel restrictions.

I can see why Trump needs to put a stop to THAT!

The StormTrumpers that Barr sends us will have to be quarantined for 14 days before they go out to bust heads. Don’t worry, we’ll feed them lots of world-class chili dishes to get them ready for pepper spraying.