Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/20/trump-threatens-to-send-armed.html
“We’re sending law enforcement,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “We can’t let this happen to the cities.”
I’m sure I’m missing something, but is there some reason why Kate Brown isn’t activating the Oregon National Guard to kick these assholes out? I can’t think of a better use for them, and it would go a long way towards rehabilitating the image of the National Guard if they were actually, you know, protecting the interests of the people instead of attacking them. If it came down to a showdown between the two groups, I’m pretty sure I know which side public opinion would fall on, and who who would win.
That’s some nice downplaying there, Reuters.
There was some alleged injuries in a possible gun-involved shooting proximal to an officer, the chief stated.
Okay this is the line for me.
This man needs to be removed from office. Right now.
I don’t care how it happens. If it is illegal in his mind to be a Democrat and now we have to be beaten by police because we are liberal that’s literal War he’s declaring on more than half the population.
Someone needs to take him into custody and arrest him immediately
We need action on this - Congress has to take a stand. Cities have to arrest the federal agents.
I can’t believe we finally have to say things like this but I don’t see any alternative at this point.
If he actually attempts to do this he is declaring war on the American populace that he doesn’t care for.
This man needs to be imprisoned immediately. He’s trying to start a civil war
While I like this a lot, I think the issue is that, while the National Guard is a state body, they do report up through the US Military command structure, which just ends up at Trump.
That said, you would think the Oregon State Police would be useful for this…
he is unilaterally declaring that peaceful protesters are “anarchists” and basing the use of force on his flawed reasoning. He must be reigned in - Congress is the only entity that is willing.
So next we have the protesters standing up to the goon squads which escalates to full on violent clashes with killed and wounded. Then martial law is declared postponing the election… I need a drink.
True, but we’ve already seen the military brass defy Trump, in rejecting his plan to use troops against protestors last month. It would be interesting to put that resolve to the test. And now that civil war has started, “Commander-in-Chief” may not mean as much.
Yes, kind of like how President Eisenhower took control of the Arkansas National Guard away from Governor Faubus in 1957 and ordered them to protect black students at newly integrated schools instead of turning them away. Except this time the President is the raging bigot.

True, but we’ve already seen the military brass defy Trump, in rejecting his plan to use troops against protestors last month. It would be interesting to put that resolve to the test.
Best case scenario is the generals will just order them to stand down.
In the streets, fuck the police
No justice, no peace

If it came down to a showdown between the two groups, I’m pretty sure I know which side public opinion would fall on, and who who would win.
Well, if public opinion would care to lift their lard ass from before the TV out to the street protesting, that would sure speed up sending Trumps goons home.

Best case scenario is the generals will just order them to stand down.
There are no generals in the Department of Homeland Security.
What people are failing to understand here is this is not political theater. He has not made a threat, He has made a promise.
Donald J Trump is rehearsing the canceling of the 2020 elections right now. A likely scenario: Cowardly Anti-Fa forces are threatening the Do Nothing Democrats polling places and he will send his troops to defend them. Armed and geared up DHS and other agencies troops will be placed outside and everyone’s ID will be checked. People will be pulled out of the lines for not having one and held for an indefinite period.
God I hope I’m wrong.