Trump stumbles through conspiracy-laden Fridman interview

Originally published at: Trump Stumbles Through Conspiracy-Laden Fridman Interview - Boing Boing


Tell that to Hillary Clinton (who got nearly 66 million votes).


Yeah…not gonna bother listening to this.



i’d even haphazard that there is no republican foreseeable future to the whitehouse if the popular vote is what were counted. It’s down to that @#$! slave-holding atavism the electoral college which still gives those troglodytes a chance.

(oh for National Popular Vote Interstate Compact to proceed as a remedy …but it sure doesn’t look likely at present in this old knacker’s lifetime -sigh-)


Lex looks a bit shaken.


For reference…

I’m sure this “neutral” interviewer expected he’d help burnish Il Douche’s image. Didn’t quite work out how he expected.


You’re correct. Republican policies are broadly unpopular, with 55 to 75% of the people being against them, depending what you look at (gun control, abortion, public healthcare, and so on.)

Arguably, this doesn’t matter at the state level. If people want to go and live in a weaponised mediaeval theocracy, they should be able to. In America you can move somewhere else.

At the Federal level, though, the electoral college system is clearly broken and undemocratic. However it cannot realistically be changed because any amendment to the constitution requires the ratification of 2/3rds of the states, which will amount to turkeys voting for Christmas.


Some people can. Poor people have to put up with whatever grows up around them. If you want them to have rights too, you can’t let states violate them.


I’m fascinated by the “we need more religion” line. Because I’d be willing to put down money that immigrants are going to be more actively religious than citizens. And, if he’s that keen, then he should be supporting the growth of mosques and temples. Oh, wait.


The media gives Harris shit for not giving interviews, and then she gives one to CNN and Dana Bash. Trump is getting interviewed by Theo Von and Lex Fridman (who tf is Lex Fridman?) and no one says shit. I am so sick of this double standard.

Do we have a Mike Wallace or Edward R. Murrow today? Does that kind of journalism exist anymore? And this goes for interviewing Harris, too. It’s not like Bash gave a hard hitting interview there. Sure, she asked some bullshit questions like what she thought about Trump questioning her race, but how about asking her about Gaza? And I mean really asking her. Like ask her to justify enabling Israel to violate international law. Ask her if she thinks Israel is committing genocide. And then ask Trump those same questions. But no, we’re just going to ask how long Harris has been black and when she got a southern accent, and we’re going to let Trump babble incoherently about sharks and Hannibal Lector and then we’re all going to act like this is perfectly normal politics. Jesus fucking Christ, nothing about this election is normal!


In his world an interview is anytime he talks to anyone, anytime, anywhere.


love this shoutout to the religious folks. such a measured, thoughtful response:

I mean, you know, if you’re religious, you have, I think, a better feeling toward it, you know, you’re supposed to go to heaven. Ideally, not hell, which is supposed to go to heaven if you’re good. I think our country is missing a lot of religion.


This guy isn’t an interviewer, he’s got absolutely zero the charisma needed to pull good answers from subjects. zero dynamics, zero everything. To call this an ‘interview’ is even missing the mark.

Paint drying has more energy than this guy.


Did Donald J. Trump just admit that he LOST in 2020? How is this not headline news? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him say that!


He has admitted it previously, but not in a public setting. (c2022 Trump privately admitted he lost 2020 election, top aides testify) But no matter… he’ll just deny ever saying it if it suits him. (“But it’s on tape!” They don’t care - not rapidly contradicting yourself is a lib-rul hangup -sigh-)


It was headline news on Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning. Of course, they also had David French on this morning, so fuck Morning Joe, but still…some in the media did notice.


We had a man in there that should have never been in there. They kept him in a basement. They used COVID. They cheated, but they used COVID to cheat.

What? Who’s we? Used COVID?

His word salad is getting worse. He’s weekend at Bernie’s level now and it’s sad that there’s a bunch of powerful people pushing this old, poorly aging shell of a “man” to the White House in a naked grab for their own power.


Fridman’s an ongoing consternation for me.
I remember him leaving MIT during the cleaning house of funding.

He’s done some good work that I’ve cited. He’s also done some work that got a lot of press when it should have gotten a lot of peer review while being quite cuddly with Musk while testing his product. It’s always uncomfortable when there’s more commentary on a study from the stakeholder being tested than there is the review process.


Money aside, there is no legal barrier to moving from one state to another.

And there’s no legal barrier to evolving into a being of pure energy beyond the petty concerns of mankind, but that doesn’t help too many people. The moment you say “money aside” you are already talking about an ever-more-priveleged group.