Anarchists also don’t want to nationalize those companies, but I’m certain that the owners of DuPont and the banks would rather they be nationalized than what anarchism says should happen to them.
Wow, its no fun feeling like you can be killed in your own home at any moment, is it?
But what was the motive here? I didn’t see a trump sign on the lawn?
I agree with @IronEdithKidd
Some people only see the world as binary, with no subtlety or nuance. We also have a propaganda machine that has brainwashed binary thinkers into believing absolutely everything that isn’t “conservative” is definitely “liberal”, and “liberals” are the enemy. There’s no room for socialists, social democrats and mainstream Democratic voters to separately exist their world.
Which is why I, too, hope that justice is served on the perpetrators.
I never knew that the Clinton Foundation was so beloved by ANTIFA…
But they are praying for justice. I don’t think they will like what the Bible has to say about that.
They aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.
Us vs Them. If you’re not for us 100%, you are the enemy, and the enemy’s name is “Democrat”. Because they hate Democracy, and they want their country to have a strong Republican leader, like the Republic of North Korea.
I mean, imagine being deathly afraid of this mysterious Anti-fascist organization and never thinking “If they are anti-fascist and I am afraid they are out to get me, am I a fascist? Why do they think I’m a fascist?”
I really wish there was a lot more sarcasm in this post than there is…
Breaking news! They apprehended the culprit! At the time of apprehension, he was wildly ranting about 5g
Oh yeah? Those pay pretty well, don’t they? I might have some work for you; my car payments are killing me. PM me.
I put it 90% pre-planned insurance fraud. But, have come to find out in 2020, there’s at least a 10% chance they are even more idiotic, accidentally burned up the truck and garage, then covered up for it by deploying Anarchists for DNC Shoe-Ins.
That pic of the garage is so dumb, I feel myself getting dumber just looking at it.
Thank you for the inspiration:
There isn’t even room for different kinds of Republicans any more! One of the many alarming things about Trump’s takeover was, well, Trumps’s takeover. The party fell in line behind him and lurched 100 miles to the right overnight. They all went from debating nuances of public debt to quoting QAnon in the blink of an eye.
… signed Epstein’s mom
Totally other Epstein.
Nonsense. Trump supporters could never stoop to such tactics.
Wait, they have? Several times? They’ve also shown a willingness to destroy their own property to “own the libs”?
Well, okay, false flag and/ or insurance fraud it is then.
In Texas right now, we’ve got Republican lawmakers and the head of the state party suing our Republican governor for overreach, saying that he has no authority to issue his (wildly inconsistent) COVID emergency orders; only the state legislature can do so.
Well, in Texas, the lege doesn’t meet again until next year (laziest state lawmakers ever), and governors of all political stripes are loath to convene special sessions. Even if he had, getting them to agree on a coherent response probably would have taken months, since the reps have very different opinions on what would have been appropriate; makes sense if your constituents are all in a major urban hotspot (like South Dallas), as opposed to someplace like the Hill Country or Big Bend, with hardly any cases.
Still, with any luck, the party will devour itself, or at least split into so many independent factions that they cripple any chances for a future electoral majority.
Motion to address: As former Pro Tempore of the Cascadia Anarchist Society (Local 206), I feel it is my duty to correct you. We eliminated the disbarment for +10% rule in the summer of 2006 at the national Anarcon™, replacing it instead with the application of a red letter ’S’ sticker to the right cheek of the infractor’s officially licensed Guy Fawkes Mask™, where it should remain for 28 days. After a rather raucous round of debate, we resolved that not everyone was born with the ability to “spray inside the lines”, therefore disbarment was deemed too extreme. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater we say. Currently, disbarment is triggered by only the most serious of affronts, such as cracking the spine or dog-earing your copy of the The Cookbook. We didn’t provide you with that Clinton Foundation bookmark for nothing.
I hope this clears up any misunderstanding. I yield the floor.