Trump supporters turn against him for promoting vaccine: He's a "New York liberal"

Don’t beat yourself up! That’s a great start.


I don’t have much advice to offer beyond: vote better.


by ‘GQP’ I assume you mean well-dressed Republicans


Asking people to raise their hands was a clear lose…no one was going raise thier hands in that diner where everyone could see them. The only one who was positive about it was alone…

And you know that everyone of them was vaccinated against everything from polio to tetanus, flu, shingles, the lot.


I think that was left out.


eta: If the Trumpers switch to wanting a vaccine, good. If they knock down little old ladies steal from black and brown essential workers to get it, not so good.

eta2: Backwalking…


/reads about the lethality and transmissibility of the new Brazilian P1 variant
/reads this

Oh, we’re plenty screwed.

Well, the new variants have a higher lethality in the 20-30 age group, so maybe not that much…

Unfortunately the high transmissibility coupled with the low risk of dying means, if you’re a reckless idiot about covid, that you’re far, far more likely to kill someone else than yourself (and likely multiple people). This is pretty much the opposite of “Darwin Award” territory.


Unfortunately it appears that most have already passed reproductive age.


Well between half a percent and 17% will. One of the “problems” with COVID-19 is it isn’t deadly enough to spike a visceral ebola like fear, but it is far deadlier then is wise to just ignore.

Most of the time I just lament that because it’s “lower end” deadlines let it kill a whole lot more people then I think a more deadly virus would have. Sometimes I also lament it because it makes me feel bad for feeling bad that a bunch of morons won’t all die from their own stupidity.

Partly because I think everyone deserves a chance to outgrow their own stupidity. Partly because as smart as I (like to) think I am I have made some dreadfully dumb choices in my life. Partly because it feels wrong to wish ill on people who have not intentionally attempted to harm me or anyone I know.

Still, I feel bad that this thing will only kill “a few” of the idiots that made it worse for all of us.

Plus I feel bad for feeling bad that more (specific) people didn’t/won’t die.


I’d like to offer a slightly different read. If you take their priorities to be based on quality of life for the working class, the “best option” response sort of makes sense since neoliberalism (of which the Clintons are basically avatars) certainly hasn’t helped them. They shouldn’t have believed that Turnip was on their side either (he was obviously just conning them), but he was the one actually talking about them and making promises. They see (or saw, apparently) him as less of an elite because he actually talked to them in his giant bullshit rallies and told them he would help.

The US barely has a real left, which would truly be the best option for them. It’s kind of the same phenomenon as Bernie voters switching to Turnip after the primaries.


That is also largely my reason. Like, I would like to be alive to spend time with her. I mean being alive and able to do other things works for me too.

Somehow I don’t think that is the same reasoning he is using though.


Improved that for you…


My normal approach to the type of idiotic anti-vaxxers we get in the Bay Area - refusing to let their kids in schools or them on airplanes - is sadly unlikely to work with this sort of vaccine refusenik.


He’s definitely an a-hole but in a perverse way this kind of behavior may actually help increase acceptance of the vaccine among the Trumpist crowd- the idea that wealthy connected people are breaking rules to get a vaccine that many ordinary people can’t get yet will make it all the more coveted. Trump staring dead-eyed into a camera and reluctantly suggesting that you should maybe consider taking the vaccine could be chalked up to him bowing to political pressure, but people jumping their place in line is a different matter.


A lot of them are getting vaccinated on the DL, like Trump did, but are not willing to admit to it in public.


Someone said that Donald Trump is from New York but not of it


let’s hope so. without enough people vaccinated there’s every chance of this virus showing up year after year.

id like at some point to be able to go to work without having to wear a mask and without having to be in a state of generalized fear for my life.


I stand corrected, thank you …
… and ignorance continues to propagate-


These sound like people who might argue that a tornado warning is “Fake Weather!” and a piece of propaganda from “Big Meteo” to try to get them to leave their houses unguarded so Antifa could break in and tear everything apart. “You expect me to believe that wind could pick up a house?” they’d scoff. “Well, I’m the Big Bad Wolf so go fly away!” they laugh at a reporter as they blow on him or her.


For those of you concerned the current Coronavirus-19 variants won’t thin the Repug Refusnik herd effectively, I recommend you watch for the next much-more-lethal virus coming along in the next 5 to 7 years. If it happens under a GQP administration, millions will die.