Trump supporters turn against him for promoting vaccine: He's a "New York liberal"

Why would any of these people give the guy from CNN with a camera an trueful answer?


Trump was and is a “New York Liberal” - what his election taught us was that American conservatives will vote for a member of the New York liberal elite as long as he says and does enough racist, sexist, monstrous stuff.

Despite the fact that in America anything left of fascist is descried as socialism, liberalism isn’t the same as progressivism or leftism, and is a largely centrist ideology that includes center-right and center-left folks. Neoliberalism, the poisonous doctrine of Reagan and Hatcher, is a variety of liberalism. Colonialism was rooted in part in Enlightenment liberal humanism.


You voted for him. Twice. That’s how we got into this mess.
Hell, the reason y’all are covid skeptics now are because you spent the last year hanging on his every (lying) word.

So… please, go back. Start doubting everything he told you. Doubt his claims that covid is a hoax, that masks are unnecessary. Doubt the touted effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine. Doubt the false claims of election fraud.

If only you’d stopped listening to that “liberal new yorker” a year ago. Or five years ago.




In this case “coastal elite” and “liberal” are labels for the outgroup denoting who is to be despised, not words with meanings which get used to sort people into groups based on their actual characteristics. It’s important to distinguish these two possibilities when trying to interpret conservative talking points and opinions.


That’s cool. So what you gave us was sort of a Maker kit for a joke.


Clinton did a lot of talking about them and making promises, too. Trump got all the media time, though. The other problem was that Clinton’s promises were realistic ones, like providing a bunch of money for retraining. It was more comforting to be lied to by Trump.


I think the way to get these wingnuts to line up for their vaccinations would be to appeal to their hatred of the left. Get some guy with a Don LaFontaine voice to cut a radio ad saying something like “Liberals are cutting in line to steal vaccines meant for you and your family, so that you’ll die from the China Virus and leave the country to them. Show Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the left-wing elite that you won’t let them get away with it.”


Some serious cognitive dissonance going on. People love to distrust the science on vaccines and climate change and the shape of the earth, if they are being real shitty about it.

I guess the supercomputer in their pocket that knows exactly where it is, can access limitless information, and let you talk to anyone on the planet, isn’t science. It’s magic, because these people don’t know or care to learn how stuff works.

Read a book that isn’t the Bible



In this case, I don’t think that’s the issue. Plenty of people read the bible and still believe in science. The problem really is fascist ideology that attacks anything that doesn’t conform to that political world view of us and them.



I would desperately like to get to a state where I do not have to armor up to go take care of kids. So tired of looking like a cartoon character all the time.


You’re making the assumption we all keep doing, that people will acknowledge reality. There’s no story about this on Fox News, Newsmax and likely not on other RW news outlets, so even if you tell them this story and give them legitimate links to news stories about it, they’ll deny it as an MSM lie to make Trump look bad. We are in the Misinformation Age, and I don’t know how we get half the population unfucked.


Honestly, if that’s your answer, just about any reason is credible. You’re choosing love. :heart:


Phones doing neat gps and other stuff, back up camera in my car, video screen chatting and Alexa doing her shtick make me feel like we’re in the fun sort of Future, but then I remember we have to put a mask on to go outside, and it’s dystopiaville all over again.


i mean, it’d be fine if i also got some decent super powers in exchange.

but i have to say, understanding people who refuse to speak up when they’re wearing a mask is not all it’s cracked up to be. ( and really, “mumble-man” lacks a certain pizazz when compared to say “wonder woman” or “superman”. )


And plenty of other people use the Bible to justify their nonsensical beliefs without bothering to read the damn thing themselves.


Yeah, that is a good point. The Daily Mail did cover it, and I’ve always considered them to be a right-wing rag, but it probably isn’t read by a lot of Americans.


I find it hard to believe that Trump actually endorsed science for once.

I find it less hard to believe his idiot followers deny the same science.

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