Trump team photoshopped him to have larger hands and a better suit

Here, it is a touch-up, not a blatant lie. It does not make that particular journalist untrustworthy in my mind. The touched-up photo could have be taken at the time, if Trumps arm had just a slightly different position.

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The journalists and news photographers weren’t the ones editing the photos, the White House was. That’s how we have the original photos to compare them to.


If it was a journalist that did it, I would disagree. It’s a change made for no more reason than the subject’s vanity, which is sufficient reason not to trust the person who did it. Besides, I’m not aware that a change in one’s position will lengthen a finger.


Speaking as a fat guy myself, a well-fitting suit does wonders in making you look good. It won’t make you look thin, but it will frame you much better.


I’ll always recall one heavier business colleague I knew years ago as one of the best-dressed men I ever met. He’d wear beautifully tailored suits that made his bulk look somehow “right” despite all the fat-shaming that goes in our society.

That said, he didn’t stiff his tailors and wasn’t an overgrown 11-year-old.


Has anyone else noted that the doctored version of the photo made Trump WHITER?! They took the tan off of him and made him very white and pale…


i’d be happy if we could just photoshop trump out of the picture altogether, and i mean “the bigger picture”.


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