Trump tells "weak" governors: “If you don’t dominate, you’re wasting your time”


Maybe the problem is that they do realize that.


He is too much of a coward to do things himself. He hires thugs to do it for him.

Fuck off Newt.


And incredible talent.

Trump has neither.

(People often get so hung up on his over the top flamboyance and style that they forget that the dude was an amazingly good pianist.)


The rule of goats always applies.


If they were anarchists we probably wouldn’t be in this situation now.


My go-to metaphor is usually the classroom. If there’s a kid or group of kids whose behavior is central to a lot of disruption, damage or social conflict, I get what you’re saying, nobody should be repeating the problematic words more than strictly necessary. But we don’t want the adults to completely ignore that kid or that situation. Because what that choice communicates is that there’s not a problem happening (when it’s clear there is) or worse, that we’re powerless to help (when we’re not).

I get that there’s a frustrating amount of hand-wringing, needless escalation of outrage etc. Ignoring can be a powerful tool for shaping behavior (and preserving one’s sanity!)

He talks a mighty god game with his state paid for security detail and state of the art bunker.

I could see pointing out how the protests and calls fr vigils fly int he face f social distancing, but to go bawing and crying over toughness?

I could pull up the christ what an asshole video, but at this point i would have to have a macro to post that in response to everything.

I’m sorry, but I think HBO totally jumped the shark this season. You would have thought they realized they did the whole “mad king” thing to death in Game of Thrones. All right. I can buy into the whole “pandemic” plot line, though I think Steven King pretty much already used that idea up back in “The Stand”. But then, before we get any sort of resolution to that plot line, they suddenly forget all about it and jump strait to “popular uprising” and “Military crack-downs against the populace”? (Also already done in “The Stand” btw, although the plague in “The Stand” put a quick end to the Military crackdown). What’s next, we get a Randall Flagg character in Nevada and a Mother Abigail playing her guitar somewhere in Nebraska?

Besides, the logical plot line to follow would have been for the plague thing getting worse and worse until almost before the election (“flattening the curve” or a “vaccine” always “just around the corner”), and then have an uprising just in time to suppress people from going to the polls. Not months ahead of time. They will have to drag the whole plot out quite a bit to still be in crackdown mode come election time. Now they have to come up with something totally different (and probably a much lamer excuse) for the whole “prevent people from voting to keep in power” thing it has clearly been building up to.

And don’t get me started on that totally over-the-top and unrealistic villain character. That kicks you right out of the suspension-of-disbelief required for the story. Nobody can really believe a clown like that could ever be actually voted into office by the people he regularly mocks and makes fun of, including the other powerful politicians he desperately depends on to keep in power. Heck, he’s worse then the old Batman villains. And that actress playing “the wife” just should get a new carreer. She comes of as stilted and no emotion. What is she supposed to be dead inside? Just stands there like a mannequin. A real woman would either be gloating and secretly dominating the sniveling cowardly villian, (eg, the “real power behind the thone”), or there would be a subplot about how she’s secretly leading the rebels or something. (maybe that will come out later in the season, someone in the show keeps “leaking” all the horrible things that go on.) And all the cartoonish characters he surrounds himself with, the Turtle guy, the Snake man, the Toad man… I mean come-on. Just Not Believable. The whole thing has gotten silly. The thing will never last for another season the way its been going.


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