Would that this was a prosecutable crime. Oh, wait, it doesn’t matter, does it? Fuck.
Sidney Gottlieb, eat your heart out.
I have to say, that the Trump photo looks shooped to make him look even worse. I mean, the truth is bad enough.
What’s with the lips, Donnie? Always with the lips this guy!
He struggles with the basics of governing. And humaning.
“Everything is great, and what isn’t great is somebody else’s fault.”
So, the economy crashes and he’s ready to pass the buck. He’s Tweeting from the bleachers by design.
Sometimes I think he might also feel this way about a second term. Like, he’s already made it to the top, so what’s next? He might be bored with it all too. There could be emotional/motivational reasons for his heart not being in it for a second run.
It’s a weird ray of sunshine in this Eternal Administration of the Spotty Mind, but I would be willing to believe that if he thinks he’ll get more sympathy/outrage attention dropping out and buying OANN or whatever now that he’s trashed the place and even the economy for the weatlhy is souring, I think he will drop out, and take all his psychos with him. Getting him off the official Bully Pulpit won’t stop his stochastic sycophants from shooting up churches, mosques and border-stops, but it least gets him out of the judge-appointing seat so we can get to work trying to stop them.
Constitution schmonstitution…
So the sunglasses are to provide anonymity? Or just proof that they all live n sunny Southern climes?
As they say, your guess is as good as mine.