Trump the Chump (Part 1)


I remember when I was all scared he was going to be our president someday. God that was terrifying.

File under:


I am so glad someone else noticed that.

When I remark to Kelly and her husband that Trump sounded like a jilted suitor after she asked her now famous sexism question, they share a knowing look, and Kelly proceeds cautiously. In the past, she says, “he would send me press clippings about me that he would just sign ‘Donald Trump.’ And he called from time to time to compliment a segment. I didn’t know why he was doing that.

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I don’t sees anyone answering, so I’ll add this: it’s for television (categories include tv, radio, movie). BUT it should be noted that anyone who has touched any the above categories can have a star. It’s strictly a PR stunt set up by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, in which a nice hefty donation goes a long way in securing a star. I think you have to get nominated by filing paperwork and then getting approval by the nominating committee. It appears that it’s more about how deep your pockets are if you aren’t necessarily a superstar (see recent documentary on Adam West).



Was it always this way, or has it been transformed by capitalism over the years?

I think it’s changed over the years. Initially, it was a tourist gimmick and the actual stars were just put in the sidewalk, I believe.

I remember visiting in the seventies and that area looked awful. I know they did some revitalization during the eighties and I believe this is when they started the personal appearances. (It could have been sooner?) I also believe that there are some famous stars who don’t have one because they won’t agree to the appearance clause or they don’t agree with the concept. I remember hearing about Clint Eastwood, but the wiki page lists George Clooney and Julia Roberts, too.

eta: the donation appears to be $30,000 these days. Thanks, Wikipedia!


This is precious.

Donald Trump is the father-in-law of the Observer’s publisher. That is not a reason to endorse him…

(but maybe it might explain why they did)

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Found on the webs

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Only in 'Murica:

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“We’re not a family of politicians. We haven’t been in politics very long.” Says rich person that can’t be arsed to learn how to vote but wants to earn your vote.


So the immense irony was not lost on you either, then?

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To be fair, or sad, or serious, or all three, I’m not surprised that the ultra wealthy are disconnected from the dire consequences of failing to vote to defend their civil rights.


Apparently, voting in your party’s own closed primary to select the candidate for your party is rigging the election. Ivanka, it’s six months before a primary, not a year in N.Y. to reregister.


Frankly, me either.

But it’s not their fault for being too dumb, or too entitled, or just too busy (because, y’know, incredibly “important” people like never have a free moment) to abide by the rules that apply to everyone else; it’s the system’s fault for not catering to them too.


Why am I out of likes?


here you go! :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:


But for what? :wink:

I always like you!

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I see the NY Post decided to endorse him yesterday.

Donald Trump is a rookie candidate — a potential superstar of vast promise, but making rookie mistakes. The nominee Republicans need for the fall campaign is often hard to make out amid his improvisations and too-harsh replies to his critics.

New Yorkers vote Tuesday. What to do?

Here’s how we see it.

Should he win the nomination, we expect Trump to pivot — not just on the issues, but in his manner. The post-pivot Trump needs to be more presidential: better informed on policy, more self-disciplined and less thin-skinned.Yet the promise is clearly there in the rookie who is, after all, leading the field as the finals near.

So, as long as he changes everything about his campaign he’ll be okay. Great endorsement.


Oh, I forgot what I wrote. Well, I meant it, damn it.:relaxed:

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