Scottish Greens have something to say --go Greens go! good advert!
Um… Nixon opening a back channel to stall peace talks in Vietnam? Candidate Reagan in Iran?
Those fuckers have no conscience whatever. I think it’s partially the Christian thing, you know, I’m a “good person” a Christian, therefore whatever I do is the Christian and good thing. Obviously they fail at religion as badly as they fail at ethics.
Takes me to the part in the movie Charlie Wilson’s War where visiting Congress critters to an Afghan refugee camp was deemed “God’s work”.
See? Proves god’s not a Muslim.
Take that atheists!
Via Cracked.
No, no ,no see it was the 20th…or maybe the 21st? 28th… ughhh…Sept by the latest… before Halloween…etc. etc.
Needs a shoe-leather steak and a prescription of adderal.
Also needed are:
Don Jr
A casino
A “university”
And an airline
Going to need a bigger case.
OMG, where do I sign up?
Seems off brand.