Trump the Chump (Part 1)


This is the right idea GOP.

First time I can remember agreeing with something Mr. Romney did.

Meanwhile, while we are pissed off about Clinton saying something pretty stupid…

This is what Trump said about the Tianamen Square Massacre in 1990:

When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak … as being spit on by the rest of the world–

And what he said about protesting yesterday.

“Part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long [to kick them out] is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore,”

“There used to be consequences. There are none anymore,” Trump said. “These people are so bad for our country. You have no idea folks, you have no idea.”

“These people are so bad for our country, folks. You have no idea," Trump continued during a longer break in the action. “They contribute nothing. Nothing. And look at the police, they take their lives in their hands.”

“We don’t even win here, with protesters anymore” he complained. “The protesters end up taking over. And frankly, I mean, have to be honest: From my standpoint it makes it a little more exciting, and it gives me time to think about where I want to go next. It’s beautiful. It’s like intermission. And the guys that are near the event, they see some pretty good stuff.”

Trump then trained his fire at the media, forecasting how “dishonest” reporters would portray the situation.

“And these people in the media, the most dishonest human beings on Earth. They are the worst. They are the worst. So what they’ll do is they’ll take 10 minutes worth of clips of that and if one policeman accidentally moves a finger and touches this wiseguy, it’s like, ‘Oh, it’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen.’ And yet the police are being abused for 10 minutes, OK? " he said. "Give me a break. Give me a break. We better toughen up, we better smarten up, and we better stop with this political correctness because it’s driving us down the tubes.”


FYI - activist shut down a rally tonight - see the thread I started here:


Finally, it seems the media, and even some candidates, are taking Drumpf’s encouragement of violence seriously.


Computerworld, oh you!

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How Trump’s $50m golf club became $1.4m when it came time to pay tax


Not that I imagine it makes a lot of difference (because it sounds like they do it particularly weirdly there), but Trump is getting his arse handed to him in Wyoming.

Tiny turn out, but he’s getting no votes at all in some counties.


The Geography of Trumpism

Mr. Trump has his share of support from the affluent and the well educated, but in the places where support for Mr. Trump runs the strongest, the proportion of the white population that didn’t finish high school is relatively high.

So is the proportion of working-age adults who neither have a job nor are looking for one.

The third-strongest correlation among hundreds of variables tested: the preponderance of mobile homes. …


What the actual fuck?


Breaking: Cruz is even less popular in DC than Trump.

Kinda surprised either got any votes, TBH.


Colour me fucking agog. What in the actual fuck indeed, Mr Tyson.

Gotta be hax, my mind keeps screaming.


I dunno. Looking at his recent tweets, seems he might just be trollin’.


He can be pretty dry, I guess.

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Smart people can be very good at rationalizing why they believe dumb things. And even harder to dissuade from those beliefs, because why on earth would they even listen to arguments from people who aren’t as intelligent as they are?

Given the fact that the smart-who-are-validated-by-being-told-they-are-smart don’t come up with real solutions to the problem of which-people-to-value-and-which-not-to without resorting to stupid racism or nativism, why should anyone give a shit about what they think? There are plenty of other smart ideas.

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Surely a coincidence.


This is a really good example because it highlights his boastfulness, civic disregard, ecological destruction, lawlessness, and evasion all in service of the allmighty buck, all in one story.


I fucking hope so…


Drumpf doubles down on paying legal fees of violent supporters, is “‘looking into’ paying legal fees for man charged with assault at rally” per WaPo report on NBC’s Meet the Press.

Question, do his repeated public promises to pay legal fees of persons encouraged to physically assault protesters strengthen potential civil claims against Drumpf — or injunctions against his rallies?


The end of his rally today:

Trump ends his rally with an appropriately surreal choice: “a song” that is also “a poem” – about terrorism. “Just listen, you’re going to love this.”

“On her way to work one morning,
Down the path along the lake,
A tender hearted women,
Saw a poor half frozen snake.

“His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
I’ll take care of you
Take me in oh tender woman,
Take me in for heaven’s sake
Sighed the broken snake.

“She wrapped him up all cozy,
In a curvature of silk,
And then laid him by the fireside,
With some honey and some silk.

The woman finds the snake “totally revived”. She “clutched it to her bosom / You’re so beautiful she cried.”

The twist: “instead of saying thank you, that snake gave her vicious bite.”

“Oh shut up silly woman,
Said the reptile with a grin,
You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.”

He didn’t write the poem. He urges the crowd to vote. “Right? Does everybody sort of get it?”