Trump to deploy National Guard to southwest border with Mexico, 'to assist Border Patrol' in fighting immigration

Thank you. You got what I was saying here.

And imagine all the “lost” or “expended” munitions, the graft and “accidents” involving migrants, and “friendly fire” incidents…sweet cthulu this stuff is gonna go wrong in so many ways.

And that’s not including the cost and disrupted economy you mention.


Been dumping points into your charm and charisma stat pretty regularly, huh? nice.

Do try to resist the urge to wield a fan tho, they may give you a stat bump, but are useless for parrying etc…which you may need from time to time.

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Didn’t it cost us over a billion dollars last two times we decided to stage this little bit of theater?

Bush’s Operation Jump Start (6000 national guard deployed between 2006-2008) cost $1.2 billion and made up about 12% of the total border arrests at a cost of $6 million per arrest.

Obama didn’t do much better. He initially sent 1200 guardsmen to the border but scaled back to 300 when they realized airplanes find more drugs than foot soldiers. It cost us $110 million for the first year alone.

Neither show had enough action or intrigue to play anywhere but far off broadway and now the orange idiot wants to produce a third act.


Well, she is from France. Trump would probably try to claim that she’s overstayed her visa (or didn’t file the correct paperwork when she first arrived.)


Per NPR this morning:

The troops have been used primarily for surveillance and other support activities. [National Guard] Troops are forbidden to conduct civilian police actions, such as detaining suspects and using force, under a law first signed by President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1878."

_"When it comes to the border with Mexico, this has meant providing surveillance and other support roles. _
However, the military cannot act as a police force and make arrests or use force."



(I’m sure enough Governors will say yes to give the King in Orange the force he wants, but prepare for a snit of tweets.)


This NPR article explains what the NG are limited to (so far):


[Trump] Our Border Laws are very weak while those of Mexico & Canada are very strong.

What does that even mean??



Anybody who thinks this isn’t exactly the kind of thing that’s going to win Trump another term is whistling past the graveyard. It’s incredibly simplistic and reactionary, which turns off people that already hate Trump and endears him to his base. He’s boxing Democrats in to be the party whose defining issue is wanting less border security and more lenient treatment of illegal immigrants. And he’ll win on that.


Welcome to BoingBoing


Some landowners here in Texas won’t be happy.

Plus, there’s this.

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I initially misread this, thinking that the Oregon governor wouldn’t allow troops to be deployed to the US-Mexico border in Oregon which threw me into a deep questioning of my knowledge of US geography.


Last I heard, he was trying to get the military to pay for it.

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That photo says a lot about the importance of good professional manner. When Canadian border agents find you, there’s a good chance that you’re still going to end up deported, but at least they’re mostly not dicks about it


You get to the core of the matter right at the start: does Trump think about the stuff he does and says?

All the evidence points to “No, he doesn’t.” The man’s an intellectual and a moral void.


A living, breathing black hole; sucking in all surrounding light and energy…


The number of shots from different angles of that moment suggests that the press were invited along, and it was perhaps more of an ideal moment that usual encounters, but it’s good to have ideal moments to aspire to.

Find a Canadian who doesn’t get even a little dewy-eyed at that picture, and you’ve found Stephen Harper.

And yeah, their refugee claims will be evaluated and relatively few will pass. Someone in the US was feeding them misinformation that all they had to do was walk across the border.


It is certainly nice to think that we can have border control without shooting at people, or trying to maximize the chances that they will die of environmental hazards (us border patrol destroying water in the desert)

I’m a canadian, and I’m honestly torn. On one hand, I really like when our cops aren’t shitty. On the other hand, I think we’re far too prone to patting ourselves on the back


Refugee claimants who come from the US pretty much aren’t going to be accepted. We have a Safe Third Country treaty that basically says refugees have to apply for refugee status in whatever country they first arrive in. Under current conditions I think Canada should seriously rethink whether the US is a “safe country” but obviously the politics of reconsidering that (or of accepting a refugee claim from an American) are untenable.