Trump tweets lie that Google 'manipulated' up to 16 million votes for Hillary Clinton. Nope

Well then we’re all completely fucked.

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My only bit of optimism is that he treats his Secret Service detail like servants (ignoring them except when he sends them out to fetch hamberders), they hate him, and are all quietly looking forward to the day they get to toss him to the curb.


Finally! A great use for Neighbourly.


Never in the history of the Secret Service have agents been forced to choose between protecting the President and protecting the Constitution. I can’t say what individual agents will do if put in such a position and neither can you. However I CAN say that if they chose to protect the President it wouldn’t be the first time a law enforcement agency defaulted to “following orders/upholding chain of command” over “upholding the law.”

Anyway, even if they dragged him out of the Oval Office that wouldn’t mean the rest of the country would stay peaceful. There are a LOT of Trump supporters and White Nationalists literally looking for an excuse to stage an armed insurrection. Some are already killing in his name. If he claims this is a literal coup, many will unquestioningly believe it and respond accordingly.


This situation is honestly terrifying to me, and has made me legitimately considering buying guns for the purpose of defending myself, family, and neighbors from the mobs of trump supporters when he loses.


No need to put words in my mouth. I was NOT predicting anything, just asking the question.
Also if it is true that a significant portion of the secret service is as corrupt as trump is, after only two short years, the country is probably doomed anyway.

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twitter is become a trumpian skeet towel

…and also repeatedly sends junk mail to at least one recipient who would never send them money, never lend them an ounce of support, ever.

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So what, exactly, is the evidence for this? Because one feels that search results have a liberal slant and thus more people were likely to vote for Hillary? Could it be that the truth just reflected certain liberal talking points, and thus that is where the results sent them? I mean, facts don’t care about your feelings, amirght?

But how does one begin to quantify and confirm these numbers? I mean 2.6 to 10.4 is a HUGE range. How can anyone be certain of any claim with that wide of range. What were his methods? Could his search history be effecting his results?

That said, there is evidence of search algorithms being manipulated and played with, though I am not sure it is at the top Google level or not. I guess if his point is "if CNN has a million hits, and Britebart had a million hits for the same story, why does it have a different search rank?

I mean, yeah, search engines returning results IS a concern. But I think claiming this into 10 million people swayed because of them isn’t a responsible claim.

considering Trump thinks you need a photo ID to buy groceries, it’s very possible he’s living in a yes man bubble of his own creation and completely oblivious to reality. Actually I’m kinda sure that’s at least part of it.



looking into it, basically the argument is that google prioritizes legit media like the NY Times and LA Times over sites like Breitbart… So like they are saying if google intentionally led people to breitbart, they would have fallen in line and voted for him. That’s an insane series of stretches…
heck if google only led people to right wing nutso media, normal people would probably just use google less…


Say whatever else you will about HRC, she can craft a decent burn on the twits.


My thoughts exactly. How the fuck would Google even do that?


Facts don’t care about your meanings.

Something something global conspiracy something something deep state something something chemtrails something something pizzagate.


And WHY?

Why bother manipulating millions of votes in California, a state Trump was going to lose in any event, but not a few tens of thousands in places like Wisconsin that could have actually changed the outcome?


For example, see the government of Greenland giving Trump the benefit of the doubt by reinterpreting his desire to buy their country.

The Greenland government was diplomatic, saying it had a good working relationship with the US and saw the inquiry as “an expression of general greater interest in investing in our country and its opportunities”. But it added firmly: “Greenland is obviously not for sale.”


I blame them less than the media, as the media’s day job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. But if I was a neighboring country, I wouldn’t want to give Trump any excuse to start a trade war. Or if he wants to bury some new scandal by creating more insane headlines, you don’t want to be the land mass he most feels like invading, because he can.


It’s because she’s much smarter than the entire trump whitehouse.


Low bar is fucking low.