Dates and dry facts are useless without social and cultural context.
Yes! And you need look no further than Trump’s pick for Education secretary.
[quote=“gracchus, post:120, topic:90419”]
That’s kind of perception regularly emerges from products of an education system that you characterise as one of the best ever.[/quote]
I didn’t make that characterization. I said Americans are better educated now than ever before. There’s no implication that our education system is great. I actually do think it’s pretty good, especially higher education. A lot of our universities are among the best in the world.
It isn’t reality and it isn’t his really his perception of reality, and he’s not entirely driving trollies. It’s just a useful meme (for lack of a better word). If you play your expected role and try to correct him and mock him, he would appreciate it. He could use a little help getting the meme out there.
vote yes on proposition 89 - Don’t allow illegal immigrants to vote!
followed by vote yes on proposition 98 - Don’t allow stupid people to vote.
if you voted for 89 you don’t get to vote anymore if 98 passes.
finally, the endgame vote yes on proposition 99 - Don’t allow people to vote who vote for propositions that limit voting!
Idiot America, on the one hand I enjoyed reading it, but on the other hand it told me things about America I really didn’t need to know. You feel bad when you’re done.
If you agree that our education system is sub-par I suppose that’s a step toward acknowledging that, just maybe, it might be a major part of the problem that leads to people like the woman in the video.
Also, I’m haven’t worked in the media for a long time, so I feel no need to just nod along silently whenever someone spreads a dishonest meme. I think the error you’re making is that this sort of mockery is intended to change people’s minds. The “reality-based community” (to use Karl Rove’s term) has long ago given up any hope of swaying people in the “ZOMG Sharia” crowd by trying to argue on their terms.
The first step is admitting there is a problem
- Drive a motorcycle with a large container of whiskey (or a non-alcoholic drink) on the back between lanes of traffic stuck in a traffic jam on the highway.
- Sell drinks to frustrated and thirsty motorists stuck in the traffic jam.
- ???
- Profit!
There certainly are. Let’s continue the count…
- Trump voters who have not come to terms with the changing demographic face of the US.
- Trump voters who long for the old days when one’s ethnicity definitively locked in a place on the socio-economic framework.
- Trump voters who legitimately feel screwed by the new order of things.
- Trump voters who claim the above as a cover for their racism, military-hero-cult-jingoism, and caucasian-centered nationalism.
- Trump voters who honestly like his style.
Just a few that come to mind. I’m sure there are more.
Upvoted for incredulous fury
We needed more of this from the mainstream non-partisan media. Not that it wouldve helped any. But it wouldve acknowledged that This Person or SItuation Is Not Rational. Instead, they normalized the irrationality.
I’m not entirely sure if I’m reading this the way you meant it, but…
There are two issues with this comparison:
1: You don’t have prominent Liberal-leaning leaders promoting the idea that voting machines were definitely hacked, while you do have prominent Conservative-leaning leaders (and even the next President!) openly promoting the idea that millions of illegal immigrants are on their opponent’s vote totals.
2: There is actual statistical evidence that something odd (but not necessarily illicit) happened with electronic voting machines vs hardcopy ballots in some locations, while there is no evidence of the aforementioned millions of illegal voters.
The strategy is built on psychology and wouldn’t work nearly as well without people like yourself playing their part in the game.
This whole thread is depressing. The only thing that gives me hope is that Trump is an old man and if he gets rid of the 22nd amendment, we won’t have to deal with him for that long.
I think it’s a mistake to interpret this video as “these people are stupid.”
These people are misinformed. Somewhat willingly, I’d guess (Confirmation Bias).
How do you inform the public of what is real, even if they don’t want to hear it? Media has failed (telling people mostly what they want to hear, thanks to that being better for your advertisers/donors). College education is probably the best way, but we can’t afford to have a voting populace priced out of education that only comes after being around for nearly 2 decades already.
How do you evangelize to a tribe of people who consider anyone who doesn’t agree with them to be evil?
Then a research paper that states fraud exists, it was instrumental in some elections (but later acknowledging there was no ethical way to validate their data) and also saying voter id requirements will do little to prevent fraud. Good grief.
Since when was this a requirement?
See also: Trump, Donald.
I’ve lived in California all my life and I’ve never understood the vitriol and hate my home state brings out in others.
So, even though we know Obama DIDN’T encourage illegal immigrants to vote. How does an illegal immigrant go about voting? I’m confused…
I had an epiphany after watching this video. I’ve been horrified at the outcome of the election and felt that somehow we’d had some sort of trick played on us. As though somehow the democrats had been cheated but I couldn’t figure out how exactly that worked. Then I watched the douche supporter in this video and realized something. We (Democrats/Hillary supporters) aren’t the ones who’ve been tricked. It’s these poor ignorant saps who bought into all the bullshit President-Elect douche spewed who’ve had the wool pulled over their eyes. They bought into his line of bullshit because he made it mirror their prejudices.
Well… I hope their stupidity turns right around and bites them on the ass.
i still don’t understand why the interviewer didn’t simply say: you know that’s factually incorrect don’t you?
it was great she asked for sources, but even that implies it somehow might be true. which it isn’t, and never could have been.
part of the success of post-truth seems to be the open acceptance that: sure the impossible can happen, just show me the numbers.
There’s also a large contingent of voters who voted Trump just because there was an ® next to his name.