Trump won't sign social media “Christchurch call to action” to fight online extremism

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This one goes hand-in-hand with it:


But they are obviously very fine people!


Yet, this concussed clown will meet with propaganda minister and TMZ founder to keep his dribbling, windbag rhetoric on lock.

I think we are at the point were it would be an improvement if he did that. At least then we know that some part of his brain recognises that it looks bad if he supports fascism.

As it is right now, I expect him to announce that Hugo Boss are making new uniforms for ICE at some point.

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My apologies for my inobvious sarcasm. What baffles me about this situation is that Trump lies, lies lies. But apparently there are certain lies Trump will not tell, and “I’m going to do something about online extremism” is one of them.


Upvote because Randy Rainbow ALWAYS gets an upvote.


Because, I suspect, even sounding like he is opposed to white nationalism is a bridge too far for him. Disrespects his daddy and all. Even in his dotage, he is extremely consistent in a few areas. This is one.


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