Trumpcare would leave 23 million fewer insured by 2026, CBO forecast of GOP health bill shows

The kind of human that is more concerned with bank account balances than human life.


Remember this is the party that’s been promising its base they would outlaw abortion for 30 years. How’s that working out, guys? It’s not possible that’s just a distraction from cutting taxes on the rich to zero? No… impossible.


Well, they’ve cut tons of federal funding for planned parenthood and there are some states with literally one place to get an abortion from… so, while it’s still technically legal, for many women, it’s almost impossible to get. I think they DO want to end reproductive rights for women, as much as they want to cut taxes, because they’ve made serious inroads to do so already.


I understand, but I disagree. I think it’s a smoke screen. I don’t think the Koch Brothers or Trump give a damn about embryos, except for the number of votes they can turn out. Of course, there’s your Falwells out there too, so it’s a mixed bag.


Yeah I think you’re right… Most of the assholes at the top of the RNC don’t personally care about the loss of immortal souls by abortion– they’re just happy to pragmatically adopt that position if it means they can stay on top, cutting taxes and grabbing… whatevers. Abortion and poverty will never impact their lives so they feel perfectly fine with fucking people over.


And yet, it’s happening - so in the end does it matter if they’re using it as a pretext for their economic agenda or not. I think people can believe in both tax cuts (especially when it leads to less funds for “undeserving” people) and restricting my rights to my body. It’s not an either or situation here.


Trump’s medical consultant, pictured below, verified that “Trumpcare” is the greatest healthcare plan in all human history.


The GOP base genuinely do want to end reproductive freedom (for other people, anyway). The GOP elite don’t care, but are determined to hang onto the issue as a base-mobiliser.

So, what I expect to see is a wave of state-based TRAP laws that render abortion effectively unavailable in the red states. Those will be appealed to the USSC, where the Gorsuch-reinforced majority is likely to uphold them.

Then, once the base needs riling up again, they’ll start talking about a nationwide Federal abortion ban, just to keep them interested. That process can be dragged out long enough to cover multiple electoral cycles.


The thing is that most TeaGOP types think that these numbers mean “GOOD! I shouldn’t have to pay taxes so that someone else can have insurance!” (read as “I don’t want to pay anything so that ethnic types from the inner city can get a free ride on my dime”). What they don’t (as a group) seem to realize is that metric fucktons of the people affected are going to be white and from less affluent areas of red states.

Maybe if we phrased as “Stick it to those rich coastal elites, and make them pay for farmers, blue collar workers, and other salt of the earth guys who really deserve our support!”


That their idea of “fixing” Obamacare kicks 24 million people off insurance, gives a massive tax break to the super-wealthy and does nothing for the deficit should have been the dead giveaway, but I suspect the no-information and negative-information voters (no-information voters informed only by conspiracy theories) and the severely delusional still won’t get it.


Yeah, but you can prove anything with facts.

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But it’s the best death panel! Believe me! The best death panel on the planet!

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As long as everyone of this 24 million is a Trump voter I got no problem with that.

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I call them high-passion voters.

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Or that the people, whose lives get ruined because they face the choice of losing their lives and losing their savings and homes, somehow deserve this outcome because they’re lazy takers who didn’t have the foresight to be born wealthy, or even the basic common sense of becoming millionaires.

The quickest fix would be to simply allow those who cannot get affordable coverage due to an existing condition (based on a percentage of the W-2) to enroll in Medicaid regardless of their total income.

Which is what should have been done back in 2010, rather than screwing around with the entire healthcare system.

If only…

They’ll wind up in the emergency rooms and get paid for by cost shifting, nonetheless. Now if you want to repeal EMTALA and let the hospitals turn them away, we can talk.

Or - and stick with me here because this is going to be super complicated - just let everyone enroll in Medicare.

No conditions. No means-testing for “deservingness”. Just. Give. Everyone. Medicare.

When your entire base is composed of temporarily embarrassed millionaires, anything that gives rich people more money is actually a good thing, because think of all the money you’ll get to keep once you manage to stop being so temporarily embarrassed!


Medicare is the only payor who has the power to send physicians and hospital employees to jail if they provide services which Medicare rations, oops, I mean determines “medically not necessary”. So my answer to

is, emphatically, NO.