Trumplings triggered by NPR's July 4 tweets of the Declaration of Independence

Well played.

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Or take it in context. I’m not to sure the declaration of independence speaks too highly of America today. To paraphrase something I heard recently, in today’s America no truths are held as self-evident.


Did anyone actually need even more evidence that Trump supporters are both ignorant and stupid?


Utilitarianism is fake news!




I think you mean broflakes!


but if it was a cornflakes box…


um excuse me?? this country wasn’t founded on some kind of REVOLUTION obviously. that would be DANGEROUS and BAD and LEFT-WING. now where are my 2nd amendment rights? and my freedom to practice my religion? I’m being overtaxed by the way! and I hate it when the government interferes in things and has too much power!!!


i’m guessing they have one, but have read it as much as they’ve read through the bible they also own and claim to be an authority on.

ignorant people want the claim of moral superiority without the onus of actually intellectually engaging with the material from which they draw their sense of superiority from. they are neither good americans nor good christians, imho. rather they are being used as puppets for people actively undermining our country and its people. they are being fleeced and babbling talking points they don’t understand, which is why they never see the irony when massive contradictions arise.

just my 2 cents for whatever it is worth.

I see @Glaurung beat me to this observation. :+1: :slight_smile:

That is a fantastic quote. His piece on the Relativity of Wrong is another great statement about this false equivalency. I’m glad he put his power of words to dealing with this persistent issue, it is a shame that the people who need to understand this message will never intellectually engage with it enough to understand it.



Having actually read it for the first time (as a subject of Perfidious Albion, I’ve never had to bother before, natch), quite a lot of the middle part is bang on the money, like. It’s like it’s designed to get right on the tits of evil, venal authoritarian fuckwits. More Opposing With Manly Firmness and less status qo ante would do the world quite a lot of good. Other Governments could also take note, mark you. A world where people actually took notice of what the documents they supposedly revere would be a lot more pleasant than the ketamine-soaked cyberpunk dystopia we’ve got.


One of those triggered by the Declaration of Independence realized his mistake.


Trump: Bloody peasant!

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Did you learn nothing from a Good Christian Upbringing? Honored texts are for thumping, not for reading!


Will he really think deeply about his reactionary reaction to NPR and think hard about his biases?

I would like to hope he does but my cynical side is probably right and he wont learn.


deleted for not thinking hard enough about my own biases

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He sounds too rational to be a Trump supporter.

“But ask yourselves; if read to the average American, would they know you were reading the Declaration of Independence?”

I think The Average American, if on Independence Day, heard or read many lines of flowery, archaic-sounding text about the country’s gripes against a foreign king, would at least think “gosh, this sounds like something written over two hundred years ago,” and deduce what document they’re hearing or reading.

I think the average reactionary basement-dwelling asshole Trump fan on Twitter is too eager to yell and scream about liberals to use their brain enough to make that deduction.


‘It’s a good thing they had the 1st Amendment!’

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Now I wonder what would happen if NPR tweeted The Bible one tweet at a time…

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